3. Without you

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In the end, whose fault was it?
There is no such thing as love
In the end, is breaking up losing?
I'm tired and I fall asleep

Chaeyoung listened to her music that was playing out loud on her phone, it was her turn to clean the classroom after school today.

"Barely, barely, barely
Is this point barely our last?" Chaeyoung sang as she grabbed the broom and closed her eyes, as if it was a microphone.

"In the end, in the end, are we becoming strangers again?" She belts out as she opened her eyes.

"Wow." She jumped seeing Lisa and Jennie standing there with a bag.

"We brought food?" Lisa held up the bag as Chaeyoung smiles happily.

The trio sat on the floor since the chairs were up on the tables, the sun would be setting soon as the sky was turning orange.

"This is good." Chaeyoung said as she grabbed a piece of chicken, "new place?"

"Yup!" Lisa nods, "Who you texting Unnie?"

"No one." Jennie says turning off her phone.

"So, any progress with Jisoo?" Jennie asks as Chaeyoung nods.

"Chae got her to talk!"

"To talk? How was that?"

"She's pretty shy, but she seems fun to talk to." Chaeyoung confessed as her friends gave her knowing grins.

"I don't like her like that!" She objected.

"Sure..." Lisa teased, "but I think we should leave."

"Why?" Chaeyoung asked confused as Jennie pointed out the window, the sky turned orange as the dark sky would soon take over.

"Oh, wanna stay?" Chaeyoung asks as Jennie and Lisa gave her a knowing look.


Lisa grabbed her backpack and pulled out some spray cans before passing them around, she zips her bag up and smirked.

"Shall we?"

"Are you sure?" Jennie asks as Chaeyoung looks around.

"No one will expect it's me." She says, "I'm innocent after all."

"Innocent? Yeah sure." Jennie snorts, "let's just do this." She shakes the can.

"That's more like it!" Lisa smiles.

They sprayed around the classrooms and hallways to the school, Lisa went into the art room and grabbed buckets of paint as she splashed them on the walls.

The whole school would be a mess as the trio looked at their artwork.

"See you two tomorrow!" Chaeyoung says as glitter was on her cheek.

"Yeah, see ya!" Lisa grabbed her bag and Jennie's hand.

"Bye Chae!" Jennie says before following the other.

Chaeyoung grabbed her stuff before leaving the school, she walked the long way home. She grabbed her backpack straps tightly and she smiled to herself, it was funny how she was friends with them.

She waits at the stop light as cars pass by her, the cold wind hits her like a wall.

"I'm Chaeyoung."

"I'm Jennie"

"And I'm Lisa."

"Do you wanna be friends?"


"I guess?"

The light turned white as cars stopped, she crosses the street leaving a small trail of paint and glitter.

She looks up at the sky and saw the small little stars as the lights in her street were off, she stared at them before they were covered by the tall buildings. She walks to the apartment complex before grabbing her key card, the door opened as she entered and closed it behind her.

She walks upstairs instead of taking the elevator.

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