16. Yeah Yeah Yeah

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Eventually, homecoming week came. Lisa was finishing the posters for the dance, she smiles as she looks at her hard work.

"Hey, Lisa!" She looks up seeing one of her friends.

"Hey, Jeongyeon!" Lisa greets her.

"They gave me the list of the homecoming participants, I was wondering if you can take a picture of them."


"Whoever wins will be in the yearbook and we have to take everyone's pictures in case." Jeongyeon says, "I also have to help set up today."

"Oh, Okay." Lisa took the paper from her, she scans down the list before nodding.

"Thank you, Lisa, I owe you!"

"There is one thing..."

Why do I keep smiling like this?
What's wrong with me?

"Next!" Lisa calls out as the next participant showed, she takes the pictures with the crown, flowers, and family before moving on to the next.

She grabs her water as she hangs the camera strap around her neck, she unscrews the cap before the next person walked in. Lisa chokes and coughs harshly before catching her breath, she lowers the bottle down seeing the girl standing there.

"I-Irene!" Lisa coughs out, "what are you doing here?"

"Seulgi let me in." Irene shrugged, "what's up with you?"

"I was just taking the homecoming photos."

"Cool, Seulgi told me that you'd be busy." Irene sat down on a chair nearby.

"Yeah..." Lisa looks down at her camera.

"Want to explain to me why you chose me as a date?" Irene asks, she saw Lisa sigh and sit on the other chair.

"I have just been... I've been in a slump." Lisa says, "I like someone that's in a relationship and I don't know what to do anymore."

You don't know why I do this either

"Hey! Jennie!" Kai runs over to her, Jennie closed her locker and looks over at him.

"I wanted to talk to you-"

"Listen, Kai, I don't think this is working out." Jennie looks down.

"Wait, what!?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm in love with someone else."


"It's not fair to you, but I can't keep lying to you."

"What else did you like about then?!" Kai yelled at her, "You didn't love me?! Huh, TELL ME JENNIE!"

"I-I'm sorry." Jennie bit her lip.

"Wow, You are just an attention seeker." Kai sneers, "and to think I liked you."


"You're just a whore!" He yelled before storming off, he bumps his shoulder against the girl that stood behind Jennie.

"You're in love?"

It's ridiculous,

"Chae!" Jennie widens her eyes as Chaeyoung stood there in shock, the young girl could see the tears in the older eyes.

"Jennie, why did you date him?" Chaeyoung asks, she looks around the hallway seeing it was just them.

I'm attracted to you

"I needed to get my mind off of everything! Look around Chae! Everything is changing and-"

"You're afraid of being rejected." Chaeyoung cuts her off, "that's why you're running away."

"I'm only running away from Lisa."

"Lisa? Why Lisa?" Chaeyoung questions confused.



It's funny that
I fell for your indifferent tone


Jennie looks down as Chaeyoung gasps in "shock" (she already knew)

"Shut it! Lisa can't know." Jennie hisses,

"Why not?! She likes you back!"

"It's better if we both spend time apart." Jennie held her arm, "I'm going home."

"But third-"

"I feel sick." Jennie cuts her off. "I am sick."

Why did you show up?

Jisoo was tapping her pencil against her notebook as she hears a commotion from the art room, she pulled out her headphones before hearing the chatter.

"What do I do?"

"There's nothing you really can do, only she can make the choice."

"I-I just wish she could be mine."

"Then why are you giving up?"

What is it that I keep remembering?

Jisoo jumped at the sound of the doors being slammed open before seeing her sister looking back at her, she stood up and dusts herself off.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo asks.

"Why does it matter to you?" Jennie asks as she rolled her eyes, she tried to walk past her but a hand held her arm.

"I'm your older sister."

"You sure don't act like one," Jennie says.

"What's with you?" Jisoo asks, "you're usually not like this-"

"I'm fine! Why can't you leave me alone!?" Jennie pushed her away.

"Jennie, I'm your sister. I'm supposed to be there for you." Jisoo says patiently.

"Well... I wish I had a sister that made me feel like I had one!" Jennie shouts at her.

Jisoo looks at her offended as Jennie's harsh eyes looked back at her, Jisoo let her go and grabbed her stuff.

"We'll talk at home." Jisoo coldly says, before leaving her younger sister behind.

Jennie stood there before the art room door opened, she turns around to see a surprised Lisa and some other girl.

If you like me
Just tell me

"J-Jennie!" Lisa blurts out, "what are you-"

Jennie looks at her before leaving, and Lisa looks at her confused before looking at Irene, who shrugged.

"Beats me," Irene says.

"Well, that's Jennie."

Just say yeah yeah yeah

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