22. Nerdy Love

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When we’re in a crowded subway car

The white umbrella made its way through the black umbrellas, the water poured heavily onto the city. The white umbrella stopped-

It tilts a bit to look up at the school, there a swarm of black umbrellas entered the front. The white umbrella walks over within a swift, standing out from the crowd.

Across, was a pink umbrella.

One that looked at the white umbrella from across.

I’ve never pulled you close

"You know, Gfriend was right about Summer rain," Jennie says looking out the window,

"Gfriend is always right." Lisa shrugged, "Chae? You alright?"

"Hmm? Yeah!" Chaeyoung smiles as she closed her pink umbrella, "Just happy."

"What's there to be happy about? We can't do anything fun today." Lisa frowns

"We could go to a café after school?" Jennie suggested.


"Hey, we get food." Chaeyoung reminds her.


"Come on, we got class!"

And I don’t know how to kiss you till your head grows blank

The three walked down the hallway towards their classroom, Chaeyoung opened the door letting Lisa and Jennie in first. The two walked in leaving Chaeyoung behind, the class wasn't full yet since the warning bell hasn't rung yet.

Chaeyoung sat down in her seat as Jennie and Lisa sat beside her, Lisa pulled out her computer to play games. While Chaeyoung and Jennie talked to each other.

The bell rang as people began to fill the seats, and the three paid attention to their substitute for today. Do you think they would pay attention? Nope, Lisa was listening to music, and Jennie and Chaeyoung were both eating.

But also, someone in the front was listening to music.

I don’t really know baby I’ve been feeling like a huge nerd lately

Once class was over, Chaeyoung walked over to her locker and opened it to reveal a bouquet of roses. She made a face before looking over and seeing a group of guys whispering to each other, she grabbed the flowers before shutting her locker and walking to a nearby trashcan to throw them away.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance before walking to her next class, the boys gasped in shock as Chaeyoung rejected them. One of them cursed at the others as their plan didn't work, but it wouldn't work.

Chaeyoung walked into her next class ready to learn as art was her favorite subject, she sat at the back again before resting her bag on the ground.

But even though I’m such a loser

Chaeyoung looked to her left seeing the beautiful-looking nerd sitting right beside her, she smiles as Jisoo pushed up her glasses.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jisoo asks, as she quickly glanced over.

"You're just so beautiful." Chaeyoung smiles.

"Stop that" Jisoo looks away embarrassed, while Chaeyoung's smile grew wider.

Why are you looking at me with such a bright smile?

While painting, Chaeyoung would sneakily glance over at the girl. She smiles to herself like an idiot, seeing how the girl looked so cute as she focused.

Chaeyoung looks at her painting before finishing some small details, dipping the paintbrush in the water causing it to turn a blue color. She grabbed her pencil to mark the corner of the painting, she backs away before nodding to herself.

She looked over at Jisoo, who had paint smeared on her cheek, Chaeyoung snorts before scooting close.

"Can I help you?" Jisoo asked as Chaeyoung's face was beside her.

Chaeyoung leaned in as Jisoo stared at her, her hand reaching over and touching the paint on the girl's board.

"Got ya!" Chaeyoung says before bringing her hand over and smearing pink paint on the girl's cheek.

"H-hey!" Jisoo reached over and smeared purple paint on Chaeyoung's face.

If you can’t stop being you

"You think they're going to end up together?" Lisa asks as she peeked through the window.

"I give it a month before one of them confesses," Jennie says popping her head to the window.

They both watched as the two were laughing at each other, Jennie watched with a smile while Lisa was recording them.

"They'll make a cute couple," Jennie said.

"Hey, we're cuter than them."

"Damn right we are!" They high-five each other.

I’ll just be a nerd for you too...

Chaeyoung walked down the halls as she carried books of Jisoo's, she listens to the girls' speech about chicken.

Jisoo used her hands to express herself as Chaeyoung watched in affection, she smiles to herself before Jisoo stopped and waved her hand in front of Chaeyoung's face.

"Are you listening?" Jisoo asks.

"Sorry, you just looked so cute!" Chaeyoung gushed.

"YAH!" Jisoo whines as Chaeyoung laughs loudly, she lightly punched the girl's arm as her pride was hurt.

"Sorry! You look so cute."

"Stop it!" Jisoo whines. But deep down, both of them didn't want it to stop.

Despite their differences, It seemed like Chaeyoung made an impact on Jisoo and vice versa.

As they both walked out of the school, Chaeyoung stopped while Jisoo kept walking.

"Hey, Nerd!" Chaeyoung shouts, getting Jisoo's attention.

"Would you want to go out with me Friday!" She yelled out.

Jisoo looked at her before blinking,



"Yeah, but can you hurry?"

Chaeyoung walked over in a rush towards the girl, Jisoo grabbed her books back and looked at Chaeyoung.

"Thanks, Chae." She says before standing on her tippy toes to peck the girl's cheek.

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