Oblivion - Part 2

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I am awakened by my alarm clock. Six o'clock, like every morning on a working day. I always get out of bed immediately, turn on the coffee machine, then I take a shower. When I'm dressed, my hair is done and I've put on the little bit of make-up, I give both cats their wet food and I pour my coffee.

While I drink my coffee, I take my pills. Then I spread my lunch sandwiches and eat my cereal. When I've done all that, I walk out the door at exactly half past seven, to catch the metro to work at a quarter to eight. I don't drive because of the medication I take. I like the routine, it makes me feel safe. Also there is one thing I always take with me, my camera. With my camera I can capture everything I find interesting or beautiful as a memory, so that I can never forget them. So today is no different.

At a quarter past eight I enter the DMV building, my shift starts at half past eight. I work at the front desk, despite being a loner, I like interacting with people. Yes, also with the annoying and nagging ones. Monday morning, the most peaceful morning of all days. Today it is quiet as usual, I had two visitors at my desk before it was my coffee break. The moment I walk back to my desk I see a man quickly put something on my desk and walk away. I'm careful, slowing my stride, if we need to know who it was we'll be able to see it on the cameras. Once I arrive at my desk, I see a folded piece of paper on my keyboard. I check that's all the man left behind, once I'm sure the piece of paper is really everything, I pick it up and open it. I am paralyzed by the words,

Not everything is as it seems, maybe you should stop taking the pills

I read the words a hundred times before sitting down. After I let what just happened sink in for a moment, I quickly regain my spirit. I call security, with one of the guys there I always join my coffee breaks with, as soon as I'm on the line with him "Andy, I need the video footage from about seven minutes ago, of my desk." I am surprised at the firmness of my voice, but don't let it show. "Is there an incident?" he asks very professionally. "Yes. No. I don't know. And I don't want to report it until I've seen the footage myself." my voice doesn't change tone, still steady and persistent. "You know I can't just do that" he is calm and friendly, but clear. "Ahh come on. I never ask you for anything." I try in my sweetest voice. There is silence on the line, as if he is hesitating, so I try again "You know what, tomorrow I'll bring you those cookies you like so much, from the bakery around the corner, I'll will bring them during the coffee break." My voice is even sweeter than before. "Okay, this one time! And I want the ones with the chocolate pieces, and do not tell my wife." he laughs a little. "Of course not! And thank you. I'm on my way." I smile back.

When I arrive at Andy's office, he already has the video footage ready. I slide a chair next to him and sit down. "I went back ten minutes instead of seven." Before he clicks on play he looks at me for a moment "Listen if it's really something, then we should report it okay." I nod in agreement "Yes. That's definitely what we should do.". He turns back to his screen and clicks play. Not much happens at first. My desk is empty, no line of people waiting. Then suddenly the strange man shows up, a hood hides his face. He looks around quickly, giving us a quick faint glimpse of his face, places the piece of paper on my keyboard. Then he quickly runs off.

I can only stare at what I just have seen, the man, his posture, his way of walking, I recognize it. It's the same man from my nightmares, the one who always helps me.

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