Oblivion - Part 27

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It was the second time today that I took a shower. My headache wasn't gone yet, but a lot better than before our lovemaking. On the other hand, I did get a lot of appetite, I hadn't had time for breakfast yet. So I quickly put my clothes on because I want to propose to get breakfast in the center of town.

Only when I step into the room, I see Jake arguing heatedly on the phone. "What do you mean?... When?... Who did that?...Mhm.. What?! ... How could the files be gone?... Right and the backup?... Not?!.. Damn it!! Are they fucking idiots?... Yes, keep looking... No I'll be looking here too... No fucking way!... Just tell them to stay away from me!.. Yeah... bye." He ends the conversation and kicks the bed hard.

I look at him, with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look. "What is going on?". "Not now, give me a minute." forcibly calm he answers. Then walks around the bed and then out of the motel room. I don't follow him and just sit on the bed, waiting. But when the 'minute' gets to ten minutes, then twenty, and eventually forty minutes, I do start to worry. I really can understand, that for whatever reason, he had to cool down, but this takes too long in my opinion. That's why I decided to go find him. I quickly put on my sneakers, grab the room key and my phone. But I can't find him in the hall or cafeteria. Which makes me only more nervous, so when I'm outside I check to see if his bike is still there. To my great relief it is still there. But then the worries turn to fear.

I look around a bit anxiously, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, meanwhile I try to call him, but nothing. When I stand desperately and almost in tears, in front of the entrance, an elderly man comes to stand next to me. "Are you looking for Jake?" He asks me very calmly and carefree. "Yes?" I look at him in surprise and asking "Do you know him?". The man smiles kindly at me "Ooh, I know him, the little troublemaker he was. He's learned a lot over the years. He knows how to control his anger a lot better than he used to." he laughs at the memories. Only then does it dawn on me, the man next to me is Old Gray. I want to ask to confirm my suspicion, but I don't get the chance because he starts talking again. "I gave him an axe to chop up some wood for me. That way he can get rid of some of his anger." he puts one hand on my arm and with the other he points to the other side "Behind the old restaurant, you can find him there. But make it loud and clear that you are there.". I thank him, and then walk towards the road, cross the road and look for Jake behind the building.

The closer I get to the back of the building, the more I hear the sound of chopping. I call out his name but get no response. I turn the corner and want to call out his name again, but stop at the sight I see before me. As if I wasn't terribly concerned a second ago, I am now in awe watching. Jake, focused on his task, stands a few yards away. With logs that have already been chopped stacked next to him. And on the other side a messy mound of blocks that still need to be chopped. He hasn't noticed me yet, so I have the chance to take a good look at him.

He had taken off his shirt and tossed it onto the pile of chopped logs. Due to the warm weather and the effort he has to make, his torso is a bit sweaty. The sun shining on his body accentuates the muscles on his chest and abs. Which become even more visible when he raises the axe and then chops down, with all his strength, on a log. The belt on his short jeans can't do its job because of the movements Jake is making. This cause his V shape te become visible, which almost makes me drool. His arms are pumped up, tight and dry, from the weight of the axe. It shows off the tattoo on his left upper arm, an angel giving the eye, that is so familiar to me, with her hands. I would like to make a picture of this, and keep it for eternity. I wished this man was mine. But immediately I realize what a fool I am, this man is mine. I have to laugh out loud at my own stupidity, but that gets Jake's attention.

"Hey." he says somewhat disheartened, he places the axe in the chopping block. As he walks towards me, he grabs his shirt from the logs and wipes the sweat from his head and body. Which made me forget on the spot what I came here to do. "Have I been gone too long?" he asks. I swallow and take a deep breath, trying to find my posture again. "Almost an hour. I started to worry." I say in reply. I lower my eyes, I don't want to be distracted. Because he's so close to me now, leaning with one arm above his head against the wall . He lifts my chin with one finger so that I can look at him. "Don't be insecure to talk to me about ill-fitted behavior, I'll always listen." I nearly choke on my own breath, I had to look straith in his eyes, the black slightly dilated pupils that stand out so beautifully againt the bright blue. Eyes that peer into me as if I am the only thing in the world worth gazing at.

"Layana, are you there?" he suddenly asks. Which takes me out of my toughts. "Uhm, yes. Yes of course." I clear my throat and straighten my back "What happened to make you walk away so furious?". He sighs deeply "The guys at the office have lost all files due to a server crash." I frown "Which files?". "Everything about our case about Alan, Richy and Ulric. We have to start over from scratch." I see his anger flare up again. That's why I put my hand on his chest hesitantly. "You're not working on this alone anymore, we'll find a solution together." I try to reassure him. "I know, I know. It just makes me so angry that so much hard work, but especially security of justice, can slip out of my hands so easily." his tone is annoyed. "You know what, you chop out some more anger. I'll sit here and look for something on how we can frame those assholes into a confession." I stand on tiptoe and kiss him lightly on the lips.

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