Oblivion - Part 25

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What could have been a twenty minute walk turned into a one and a half hour trip. "Heyyyy Jakeyyyy" I say, gripping him just a little tighter because I nearly trip over a tile sticking out.

"Woah, don't trip." he answers. "Do you.. ha've a uniform toooo?" I giggle a little. He stops walking and tries to look at me, but he can't catch my gaze, because I sway to much "Why should I have a uniform?" he asks anyway. "Becau.ssh you also handscuffed.. handcuffssh" I want to lean a little closer but I lose my balance slightly, and fall against him. "Oops... and where did you hide thoshe? Do you allwayss carry hand..cufffss with you?" I wiggle my eyebrow. "No, I don't" he laughs as he catches me and supports me, then we walk further. "I hit him good huh. That sshon off a bass..stard." I say a bit sadly, I sway my fist high as if I swing it again. The sad tone I had doesn't last long because I continue with "But my haahnd doessh..n't hurt anymoore. Thatssh a good thing!". He remains silent, smiles a little, and walks steadily on while supporting me. Because I regularly trip over my own feet, or I am tired of walking or simply can't look straight ahead, it takes a long time before we finally reach the road to the motel. Halfway the road I stop "Jakey, I can't anymore.". Surprised he looks at me "What can't you do anymore?". "Thissss rooad... it's so high and sssteep" I complain slurring every word. "High and steep? Seriously? The road is flatter than a pancake" he laughs loudly. I decide to sit down, but he stops me. "No, we're not going to do that." Without saying anything else, he lifts me up, my legs over one arm, and his other arm supports my back. I put my arm around his neck and lean my head against his shoulder. "You know, don't you, that I really, really, really love you?" I wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, but it was too much effort so I give a kiss in the air. "By the wayyy, why ... are you walking so...oo ssshtraight?" Suddenly the question arises and I realize that he is a lot more sober than I first thought. "Because I know how to handle my liquor, compared to a certain someone" he says without sounding really accusing. I just have to giggle. Once at the motel Jake puts me down on my feet again "You really have to walk to our room yourself". I pouted my lips "Aaww b..but you were sooo nishe and waarm.". "I'll also be nice and warm when we're in bed," he laughs. "Really? Will I get that present too?" I say just a little too loud and too happy, as we walk up the hallway to our room. "Yes for sure!". But the moment I hit our bed, I'm passed out.

When I open my eyes I have trouble realizing where I am, but the headache that hits me and my hand that throbs with pain I am brought back to reality. When I turn around, I see that the bed is empty. I lie in silence as I hear the shower running in the bathroom, which reassures me that Jake isn't gone. I sit up in bed and lean my pillow against the wall, holding my head because I am feeling a little groggy. I let the feeling subside for a moment and then look at my hand. "Shit, we forgot to do something with it yesterday" I grumble to myself. My hand is bruised and the blood has dried up to scabs. I have too much of a hangover to worry about it any further, I lean my head back and close my eyes for a moment. I must have dozed off again, because I'm startled when Jake starts talking. "Good morning sunshine" he laughs. With my hand I gesture for him to soften a bit "Ssssh.. my head explodes". "Yes, I saw that coming" he says in a muffled tone laughing. "Coffee or water?" he then asks. "Coffee, strong and black" I sigh in response. He turns to the desk and I see him grab a thermos jar and pour a cup. "How did you get that?" I ask him in surprise, pointing to the jug. "Well they were ready in the cafeteria" he shrugs his shoulders, then he hands me the cup of coffee. "They're not ...- You know what never mind. Thank you" I smile at him.

I had just finished showering and was still drying off when a loud knock was heard at our motel room door. I quickly put on my clothes and twist my hair in the towel. When I want to step out of the bathroom, Jake is already at the door. "Good morning sir, we have received some noise complaints" I could hear a male voice, which sounded all too familiar to me. "And who may you be?" asks Jake, undauntedly reserved. "Oh beg me pardon, I'm Alan Bloomglate, Duskwood Police Chief." he apologizes. "So they send the Police Chief of this town for simple things like noise complaints huh" Jake is far from impressed, and shows it. "Well, yes, but there's more." Alan stammers. "Okay?" Jake sounds less interested by the minute and more and more dominant. I try to hold back my laugh so as not to betray that I'm in the room too. "Yes, right, uhm, we have received a alligation of assault. The assault was allegedly done by the woman who is also in this room, your companion?" Alan tries to pull himself together and acts like an experienced police officer. I can't resist and also step to the door "Alan? Is that you?" I say as if I was very pleasantly surprised. The look I can see on his face was worth everything.

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