Oblivion - Part 3

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Andy looks my way worried "Are you okay? It looks like you just saw a ghost". His words make me alert again. "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just -" I swallow the rest because I don't want to speak my thought out loud. To give some kind of explanation and to reassure him I continue "I just think it's weird, that's my brother! I'm getting really tired of his stupid jokes.". Andy raises his eyebrows in disbelief "Your brother?" then he sighs "Maybe it's time for a hearty word with that brother of yours.". I nod that I agree with him. "Yeah, I definitely will. Sorry Andy for this waste of time.". He shakes his head of no "No need, I have siblings too and know how annoying they can be.".

When I take one last look at the screen, I see something I've missed before. It was not one piece of paper, but two. The second fell to the floor when I took the first off my keyboard, I had overlooked that. I don't say anything to Andy, but I do make a mental note of it. I thank Andy for his time and make sure he knows that I will keep my promise to bring him those cookies tomorrow.

When I get back to my desk, the first thing I do is search the floor for the second piece of paper. I find it under my desk, almost all the way back. I pick it up and open this also:

Add this number to your contacts: 01040

I don't really know what to do at the moment, so I put the paper in my pocket. I need to think this through carefully before doing anything at all. Now it's time to work, I see three people waiting in line, and I gesture to the first that it's their turn. The rest of the day passes slowly, I have helped a number of visitors with their requests or complaints. I spent my break alone on the square in front of the building. And when it's five o'clock, I clock out and go home. My thoughts have been with the stranger for the rest of the day. And now that I'm on the subway I can think quietly without being distracted. Why is he in my nightmares, what does he want from me. And most importantly, how does he know I'm on medication. Though I know intellectually it should scare me, but it doesn't. I certainly think it's strange, but afraid no.

I try to get the thoughts out of my mind as best I can when I step into my house. I want to be able to do my routine, so I greet both my cats by giving them a pat on the head and back. Then I take off my work clothes and put on my house clothes. I take the note with the phone number from my pocket and place it on the coffee table. Then I take my evening meal out of the fridge and heat it up in the microwave. I like to cook, but not the daily meal. When the microwave beeps that it's ready, I take out my food. Then I sit on the couch with my dinner and eat it. But this time it's just different. Instead of turning on the TV, I grab the note. 0-1-0-4-0, 0-1-0-4-0 ... that's how I repeat the number in my head. With every bite I take, I doubt whether I should add the number or not. But my curiosity wins. I open my contacts and click on the plus sign to add a contact. I have no idea what name to use, so I come up with the idea to use Anonymous. Because that's what it is, for me. The moment I click on save I see that the name I entered had changed to Nym-0s and a profile picture of a red eye was added. I wasn't afraid, and I still am not, but my heart is racing in my throat. That eye, I had completely forgotten that, that eye always appears in my nightmares too, never prominent right in my view. But I saw it on walls or on a newspaper. Always subtle, but definitely there. Before I get completely confused, I get a message.

Nym-0s: If you're curious about your past, we can meet.

Layana: Why the hell should I meet you? Any idea how creepy you seem?

Nym-0s: Yes, I get that.

Layana: You get that? But you don't care?

Nym-0s: Pretty much, indeed.

Layana: How can I trust you?

Nym-0s: Because you've always trusted me.

Layana: That doesn't say anything about whether I can trust you now.

Nym-0s: All right, you want proof. Fine. Follow my advice, stop taking the medication for 3 days. If your memory hasn't cleared up a little by then, this was our last conversation. And if so, you can send me a message and we'll talk. Is that a deal?

I think for a moment. Three days is not long, it is enough to slow down the effect enough. But short enough to start again if necessary.

Layana: Okay, deal. But if it worsens my health, I'll just take them again. And then I know I can't trust you.

Nym-0s: That's understandable, although I can guarantee that you will only feel better.

Layana: We'll see.

I'm calling myself crazy, how can I agree to this. I can kick myself, but I'm also very curious about my past. I have zero memories and the desire to get them back is very strong. That's why I'm doing what this stranger advises me to do, and I'm leaving the pills out tonight.

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