Oblivion - Part 29

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"She's cute." I thought to myself. I had heard her calling and saw her walking towards me. At first I wanted to let her know that I saw her, but she stopped and was "secretly" peeking, making me pretend I didn't notice she was watching me. It wasn't until she was completely lost in thought and laughing out loud to herself that I saw a chance to get her attention.

Knowing where she was with her mind, I wanted to make it a little more difficult for her. So I grabbed my shirt and wiped the sweat off my body. When I lean close to her against the wall, she swallowed visibly. "Mission accomplished!" I laugh in myself. But that game didn't last long, the moment she asks why I stormed away angry, that same anger immediately rises again. But then her touch, it's like magic, the tingling on my skin, where her hand is, makes me calm. She sat down in the shade and immediately disappeared into thought. I chopped maybe three more logs, I was to distracted. I kept looking at her, it was memorizing to watch how she was so deeply focused on her task. The quirky pulls she makes with her mouth or nose make me want to kiss them. But then I'm pulled out of my mind by the rumbling emanating from her stomach.

We were almost at the restaurant where we wanted to eat, I quickly walked towards it. When I turn to ask her where she wants to sit, she is not there. As I look around to find her, I catch a glimpse of a stand of her hair disappearing into an alley. I run over to it, peek around the corner and see Alan and Richy put her in a car, she's not fighting back which tells me she's not awake. I can't do anything, they're gone before I can run after them. Fear, worry and anger strike at once inside me. What I've tried to protect her from for so long is now catching up with her. She still falls prey to the man without a face. Actually two men and unfortunatly for them, I do know their faces.

I had to think fast, I quickly pull out my phone and call Owen. He helped me get all the files together. It might be a long shot for asking him to help me with this, especially now that I am done playing nice. "Hey, listen, activate Nym-0s, and trace Layana's phone. '...' because they have her '...' Alan and Richard '...' okay great, where are they driving to? '...' The garage '...' Okay. '... ...' Owen, the time to do the right thing is over. '...' I get it. '...' No, I get it. But I am not going to wait '...' They stopped there? '...' No, I already said that, I am not going to wait. '...' Yes I know the risk. '...' Thanks.".

I tried to keep calm during the conversation, just so Owen wouldn't send all cavalry to stop me. He told me I am not a field agent, and I know that. But things are different now, I am not going in there as an agent. Now that my blood is boiling and I got angrier the closer I got to the garage. They're going down, and I don't really care how.


Both men look at me in a daze and then start laughing out loud. "You really thought you could scare us with that tough talk of yours?" Alan looks at me far from impressed. Only that smile of theirs disappears when we hear the horrifying roar for their names. It's not a scream of fear, but a controlled threatening roar. As if a lion were protecting its territory, that comes to collect what's his. The hunters are now being hunted. I see panic appear in the men, especially as the sound draws closer. All I feel are flutters in my stomach. I laugh, loudly "You two are so fucked!".

No sooner have I said the words than I hear Jake's footsteps entering the room. Because I sit with my back to the door I can't see Jake, I can only hear what he says or does. "Richard, Richard, Richard.. tsk tsk.. Didn't your father ever teach you to always tidy up your tools?" I hardly recognize his deep, raw voice, so calm, so determined. It gives goosebumps all over my body. Then I hear the sound of iron scraping the floor. "Untie her, now!" he demands, calmly without yelling. Alan moves first, as Richy stands frozen. "Move slowly so I can see what you're doing." he demands again. Alan nods, and undos the duct tape around my ankles and wrists.

"Are you okay?" he asks me. "Never better" I tell him with a smile. "You up for it?" I hear he's up to something, though I don't know what, but I trust him completely. "Most definitly!" I answer. The vibe he radiates only reinforces what I already felt inside myself. Once I'm freed, I get up and turn to face Jake. With two big steps I stand in front of him. His eyes are dark, full of rage. Then he holds up his hand. "The honor is yours." he says viciously and hands me a crowbar. I don't say a word, I just look at him and smirk. I take a deep breath and release all the pent up anger at once. I turn and swing the crowbar as hard as I can at Alan. I hit his upper leg hard, causing the crowbar to stick in his leg. Alan screams in pain, but I don't care. He falls to the ground, which release the crowbar from his leg. Then I strike again, this time on his shoulder. I heard something crack in between Alan's screams.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Richy moving and want to turn to him. "No, he's mine" Jake stops me. I quickly look back at Alan what he's doing, but he's writhing in pain on the floor. When I look back at Jake I see a pipe wrench in his hand. Richy sees it too and tries to run past Jake. With one swift movement, Jake hits Richy in the shins and he collapses to the ground, crying in pain. I see Jake raise the pipe wrench again, I can't see any mercy in his eyes. "Jake!" I yell at him. Which makes him look my way. "We are not murderers!" I see him blink, as if he's coming to his senses, and nod at me. Then we are both startled by a voice "Goddammit Jake! I told you to wait!".

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