Oblivion - Part 18

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Recap that doesn't need warnings. So for those who didn't read seventeen:

As if the devil was playing with it, the motel phone rang. Jake was faster on his feet than I was and answered the phone "Hello?... Yes, perfect... I'll be right there." then he ends the call. "Pizza?" I look at him questioningly. "Yeah, pizza." he laughs.

After quickly putting on his clothes, he went to the reception, to get our pizza. In the meantime I jumped in the shower. It was nice to wash away all thoughts along with the overwhelming emotions.

I was already dressed and all, when Jake finally walked in. "So, you took your time. Were you lost?" I tease him laughing. "Keep on teasing me, you'll see what happens." he says with a smug look on his face and big smirk. Out of surprise, I playfully raise my eyebrows."Okay, maybe I will. I'm quite curious by nature." I answer his cheeky comment. But despite the twinkles in his eyes, that don't go unnoticed by me, he is clearing his throat "Shall we eat something?" he points to the pizza box he had put on the desk. "Backing off already?" I tease him even more that can't hide my giggle."Oh, I'm not backing off at all." the smile that appears on his face is so lascivious, I have to swallow. Only he doesn't stop there, from the pouch pocket of his hoodie he takes out a box and tosses it my way. "How's this for backing off?". The smile he already has even turned into a devilish smirk. I look at the box, then back at Jake. I want to make a smart ass comment about the box I have in my hands but nothing comes to mind. "I told you I am not backing off." with the same smirk he sits down on the bed and pats the duvet "Come sit down, let's eat." I walk towards him to I face him, until I am standing very close. I lift his chin with one finger so that he has to look up, into my eyes "Eat? Sure. I'm just not that hungry for pizza."


I wake up to the sunbeams on my face, they are peeping through the slats. I quickly check the time on my phone, it is still early. When I turn around I see Jake lying on his stomach next to me, the sheet is over him and his back and legs can be seen. When I look at his back I secretly laugh, a few deep scratches were visible, which immediately brought me back to last night. I lay there watching him for a few more minutes until I decided to crawl out of bed very quietly, I don't want to wake him up. I grab his shirt and my own pants off the floor and head into the bathroom so I don't make a noise when I get dressed. As I pass the mirror, my attention is drawn to a spot on my skin that doesn't look familiar to me. I stop and turn to the mirror, now that I take a closer look, I see a large dark reddish-purple spot on my neck. "We marked each other well," I think with a chuckle.

After getting dressed, I sneak out of the room to get coffee for the two of us. When I am at the small restaurant, well more of a canteen, I grab two cups and fill them with the coffee that are ready in thermos jugs. I stuff some bags of sugar and powdered milk in my pocket and walk back. As I walk past the reception desk, Mrs. Walter stops me. "Miss" she begins in a hushed voice and gestures for me to come closer, which I do. "It's a little embarrassing, but I've had complaints about some loud noises coming from your room last night.". "Oh... You know, we met not very long ago, he and I had years of separation. And that tension thats had built up had to go sometime, don't you agree." I can't help it but I laugh, because her eyes have become as big as disks, in shame. "But I'm sorry. We'll do our best to hold back and be quieter next time.".

Still giggling, I quietly step back into our room, with the coffee. "Hey, good morning" I hear Jake say from the bed in a sleepy, raspy voice. "Good morning" I giggle back. Creaky and stiff, he tries to sit up in bed. "What's so funny?" he asks as he finally sits up and I hand him his coffee. "We've had some complaints." I still giggle as I take the sugar and milk out of my bag and offer it to him. He waves them away "Complaints? About what?". I stare at him for a long time, hoping the penny will drop. But nothing happens. "Seriously Jake?" I turn and walk to the desk where the boxes of pizza still are. I open one and take a pizza slice, fold it and take a bite. "What?" he still looks at me quizzically. I lean against the desk and look at him "We... Last night... loud noises? ... No nothing?" I say with a full mouth. "Ooooh!" now he starts laughing too. "Jeez, it wasn't even that loud" he rolls his eyes. "Apparently so" I shrug.

"What are your plans for the next few days?" he suddenly asks. I have to think for a moment before answering. "Today I want to take it easy. I was thinking of checking out the Dare House. I really must see it. And maybe a walk by the lake tonight." I say, thinking what else we can do in the coming days. "You said you want to see the mine." he suggests. "Yes. That's right. We can do that tomorrow?" I look at him questioningly. I hesitate for a moment whether I should suggest what I have in mind, then decide to do it anyway. "I know you're not a big fan, but I was also thinking about going to the Aurora tomorrow night. The gang should be there too, and after all, it's ladies night on Tuesday.". "Sure. I'm far from bothered about Phil, especially after last night." he does smile, but the way he pronounces Phil's name suggests that there is still some displeasure behind his smile. I let it pass, for now. "Great! Then we have a plan for two days!" I smile back.

Exactly as planned, we took it easy. We took a long shower together. Then after a few more bites of the cold pizza, we decided to get some real breakfast. And agreed that if we order pizza the next time, we will eat it warm.

When we walked out of the motel, I stopped for a moment. Across the road from the motel is an empty building, it could have been a restaurant in the past. "Tell me" I start looking up at Jake standing next to me "You were here, weren't you, after you had to go into hiding?". He remained silent, staring at the empty building across the street. Without really answering my question, he throws an arm around my shoulder. "Come on, let's find that Dare House of yours." He starts leading me away "I'll find another Chinese restaurant." He gives my shoulder a small squeeze.

The Dare House was disappointing on its own. It was a lot smaller than it looked in the video and not as deep in the woods as I thought. We then walked back to the motel and from there into Duskwood center. By late afternoon and early evening we reached our goal, the Rainbow Café. We had our dinner there. An hour before dusk, we walked to the lake. It was beautiful, still warm and the smell of summer was blissful. Also it was mostly quiet, not a person to be seen, which gave me an idea as we approach the landing pier. "Hey, shall we go for a swim?" I suggest playfully. "Huh? Now? In what?" he looks at me surprised. "In nothing, sweetie" I wink as I break away from his embrace. I kick off my shoes and pull my shirt over my head, and drop it on the ground while walking towards the landing pier. When I almost stand on the pier I take off my pants, bra and panties I and like that I run off the pier and jump into the water. I gasp as my body hits the cold water, as soon as I come back up I look to where Jake is. He is still fully dressed and has sat down at the end of the pier, my clothes are in neat pile next to him.

I dive back under and swim in his direction, coming up, close by him, wiping the water from my eyes, I see Jake standing next to a man in a forest ranger outfit, talking. The man turns to me with a very big smile on his face "Ma'am, you must get out of the water! It is forbidden to swim here!" he yells at me. I have to laugh myself, because I feel like a teenager caught in mischief. "Sorry, sir. I'll be out!" I yell back. But when I want to lift myself out of the water, I realize that I have nothing on. "Um, can you turn around for a second?" I ask him politely. "It's not something I haven't seen before lady." his smile now has something creepy. I see Jake notice that too, which completely changes his attitude from friendly to protective. "Sir, I would do as she says." he warned the man. "Is that a threat?" the ranger challenges Jake. "You bet it is!" he spits the words angrily. I see he's already clenching his fists, ready for a fight. The man rolls his eyes and cuts his losses and turns around.

I quickly climb out of the water onto the pier, put on my panties and pants, then quickly I throw my t-shirt over my head. I leave my bra as it is and take it in my hand. The ranger doesn't look back as he walks away and gives us one last warning. Then I put my shoes back on and Jake and I walk, laughing out loud, back to the motel.

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