Oblivion - Part 22

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Jake had driven us back to the motel, to freshen up before we would go to the Aurora. The whole room smelled of clean laundry. In the time we had been away, our clothes had dried. After I had folded the clothes and freshened up, we walked to the center of town.

When I caught sight of the Aurora, I saw that I was right about the gang being there. I just saw Jessy and Thomas go in. Further down the street I saw Dan and Cleo approaching to enter the Aurora too. I feel myself getting a little nervous and stop walking. Jake stopped as well, next to me. I look up at him "What am I supposed to say to them? They haven't heard from me for over four years, no call, no text, nothing. Maybe they think I've let them down. Maybe they no longer want me in the group." Jake turns to me with a sweet smile around his mouth "Nervous?". "Um, yes quite." I answer. "They'll be happy to see you. And instead of thinking you've let them down, they'll be relieved that you're all right. Later you'll be able to tell them what happened. Now you're going to meet your long-lost friends." he pulls me into a hug that I gladly return. With my newfound courage, we walk into the Aurora together.

The music is still soft, It's not busy yet but drinks are already being served. I don't even have to search, because I can already see the group of four standing at the bar. The bar is right across from the entrance and none of them notice Jake and me walking in, which allows me to surprise them. I step between them, with Jake right behind me, forcing them to look at us. At first I see the looks on their faces as if their privacy is being invaded, but that quickly turns into recognition and shock. "Hey guys." I say a little unsure.

The first to fly around my neck is Jessy. She gives me a very big hug and immediately fires a hundred questions at me. "Where were you? Is everything okay? Since when are you in Duskwood. And who is that guy?" but before I can answer any of them Cleo breaks in and pushes her aside "Jessy, calm down.". Then she turns to me "How dare you let us worry about you for so long!" she doesn't sound angry, but relieved. And then she hugs me too. "Can I say hello too?" Dan is impatiently tapping his shoe on the floor. Cleo steps aside apologetically with a nervous laugh "Sorry Dan, of course". He stands in front of me, but does not look at me. He looks over me at Jake "Thank you Hackerman for bringing her here.". Surprised, I look at Jake, only he is just as surprised as I am. Then I look back at Dan. "It's not that hard to guess. There's only one man you want to be seen with on your arm." he shrugs, then he kisses my cheek "I'm glad you're back.". Thomas hasn't moved yet, and is looking a bit uncomfortably at the scars on my arms. "Yes?" I ask him. "Hi, Layana. Are those..." he starts but doesn't dare to finish his question. "Yes, these are from the fire in the mine." I say without shame, of all four he should be the one who should know what I went through for him and Hannah.

Jake taps me on the arm and whispers that he needs to go to the restroom, assuring me I'm in control and okay. I nod that everything is indeed okay, and he walks away. But he is not yet through the door to the toilet when I hear the door open at the entrance. A man's voice says something to someone outside and says goodbye "Adios!".

That one little word, exactly that little word turns a switch in me. I turn with a quick jerk and walk in his direction with a brisk stride. He notices me immediately, his eyes widening in shock. "OUT!" I demand in a loud voice. I see him swallow and then do as I say. As soon as he's outside, I'm starting to scold at him "You filthy asshole! How dare you show your face in public, you bastard!" But something in me snaps, a black haze falls before my eyes and I hit his face as hard as I can with my fist, and again and again. I can't stop and hear myself scream at him "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!". I don't feel the pain in my knuckles and I also don't feel the arms around my waist pulling me off Richy. I try to get back to him "Let me go! This motherfucker is mine!".

I only come to my senses when I hear Jake's voice in my ear, he has his two arms all around me "So much for everything is under control huh. Although you got him good, his lip is torn and his nose is crooked. I'm proud. But enough is enough.". I take a deep breath, letting down most of the rage. "Can I let go of you?" he asks. I just nod. And I feel his strength weaken and then he lets go of me. I look in disgust at Richy who is on the floor to recover. I throw out one last insult at him "You are worth nothing to the light in your eyes!".

Jake looks at me and his expression scares me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier." Then he turns around and walks towards Richy, he pulls him up by his arm and puts him against the wall. Richy tries to speak but is forced to shut up when Jake interrupts. Placing Richy's arms behind his back "Richard Roger, you are under arrest for kidnapping, manslaughter and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." At the same time that he speaks, he puts him in handcuffs.

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