Oblivion - Part 5

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Nym-0s had sent me the address of a restaurant called The Salty Fox, right in the center of town. According to my navigation, it takes me about thirty minutes to reach the restaurant. I had to take the subway because that was the fastest way. I had to walk for five minutes to the metro, then a fifteen minute ride, and finally a ten minute walk to the restaurant.

Of course, I had changed my clothes from pajamas to something not special at all. Certainly not, because I was going to meet a stranger. So it became my jeans, a simple shirt and a cardigan. My hair in a low ponytail and my daily bit of make-up. I had to hurry a bit to catch the next metro and the moment I take my seat, I send Nym-0s a message.

Layana: Hey, are you there?

I feel so stupid and embarrassed. "Are you there? What kind of a question is that?" I grumble to myself. Which makes other passengers look up, making me want to sink even further into my seat.

Layana: Uh.. I'll be there in about twenty-five minutes.

Nym-0s: Alright, I'll wait for you :)


Two months ago, after so many years on the run, I was finally set free. My name was cleared and all allegations dismissed. I could go wherever I wanted. And there was only one place I wanted to go, to her. They had hidden her well, in the middle of a big city, and transformed her from a cheerful, jovial, inquisitive girl to a reclusive, lonely, dull girl. If I didn't know what I was looking for I would never have found her, they made her so inconspicuous.

I found her by chance, after a month and a half searching to no avail. I saw her behind a desk at the DMV. I stood in line at her counter to have my driver's license renewed. When it was my turn and sat down at her desk, all I could do was stare. There was zero recognition, even when I gave her my name. Her eyes no longer had the sparkle I had seen before. She looked sad, empty even. But I couldn't say anything, bacause with just one glimps I immediately knew something was wrong. So I used my skills to find everything about her over the years. Thus I found out what was the cause of her state now. I made a plan to provoke her curiosity, even if it was the most painful way. But she deserved the truth.

My plan has worked so far, I'm at The Salty Fox waiting for her. I get that she's careful, and that's a good thing. I'm there early, too early. When I get a message from her.

Layana: Hey, are you there?

I was never really gone...

Layana: Uh.. I'll be there in about twenty-five minutes.

Twenty-five long minutes for me...

Nym-0s: Alright, I'll wait for you :)

I will always be waiting for you, from now to eternity and even beyond.


As I get off the subway, I realize that I don't even know what the stranger looks like or how to recognize him. Or more importantly, what his name is. While walking I open the chat app, while my navigation shrinks and therefore can still see where I have to walk to.

Layana: Hi, here I am again.

Layana: I just realized that I don't know how to recognize you.

Nym-0s: I'm quite tall, black hair and wearing a hoodie.

Layana: Okay. What color is your hoodie?

Nym-0s: Dark Green

Nym-0s: Anything else?

I'm a bit startled by his comment, was I too curious? Or too pushy?

Layana: Sorry, I didn't mean to be too pushy.

Nym-0s: Never ever say sorry to me. I don't deserve to be asked for forgiveness.

His comment confuses me a bit, but I let it be.

Layana: Sure, so what's your name?

I regret my question the moment I click send. So I quickly send another text.

Layana: Forget what I asked, sorry..

Layana: No, not sorry. Sorry.. argh! All right, I'm almost there, two more minutes.

I want to turn off my phone because I'm standing at the door of The Salty Fox. When I just see another message coming in.

Nym-0s: My name is Jake.

Startled, I put my hand over my mouth. Am I reading that right? I look up from my phone through the glass door of the restaurant. I see indeed a fairly tall man, with black hair and a dark green hoodie, he looks a bit shaky. Despite my surprise and confusion, I walk in. I have nothing to lose, who knows, he may have the answers I'm looking for. When I reach the table he is sitting at, I sit across from him.

"Hey, Jake." I say in a trembling voice.

"Hey, Layana" he replies.

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