Oblivion - Part 4

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The first night was no different, I had many dreams but no nightmares. Then on day one without medication I still noticed no difference. I just followed my routine as usual, except that I went to buy the cookies for Andy, as I had promissed. The second night was terrible, the nightmare was even more realistic than before.

Faces were clear, names I could remember when I woke up, Dan, Jessy and Lilly. And even though the events were the same, the places where it played out were different. Certainly the last part, I was not locked in a barn, but in a tunnel or cave. And one name stuck, Jake. I couldn't determine which face that name belonged to, but it kept slumbering in the back of my mind. Day two was a disaster, my routine was disrupted because I slept through my alarm. As a result, I couldn't take a shower and forgot to bring my lunch to work. I missed the subway, and was two minutes late because of that. The working day itself was okay, I did my job as I always did. Wednesday is always a super busy day, I didn't have time for lunch anyway, so it didn't make much difference that I forgot my sandwiches.

Only on the way home in the subway I was attacked by flashes of images. A man who looked vaguely familiar, eyes begging for forgiveness. Images of forests, black birds. None of these images are memories of the past four years. "Would he be right after all?" I muttered to myself. The third night, my nightmare was like a movie. It wasn't a glued together illogical order of things, as it usually was. It was a clear as day movie, every detail, every face, everything was clearly visible. Despite that I still woke up with a scream and I cried my eyes out, I felt no emotions linked to these images, I cried because it was such a sad story. I didn't want to give in, although deep down I knew what these nightmares meant. The fire has burned my skin, the scars on my arms are proof of that. Until recently I thought because of the car accident. But now I'm starting to doubt that. My nightmares tell me a very different story, even though I can't connect myself to them. Day three, I called in sick from work. I couldn't bring myself to go, instead I grabbed a notepad and started writing down everything I could remember about my nightmares.

 I couldn't bring myself to go, instead I grabbed a notepad and started writing down everything I could remember about my nightmares

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I stopped when my brain started to stutter and no new things came up. I looked at it briefly, but didn't want to analyze it just yet. I got up to stretch my legs and make a cup of coffee. While I'm waiting for my coffee to be ready, I ponder what else I could write. Then I realize that I don't really know much about my time in the hospital. Those, too, are just fragments of images. With my coffee in hand I grab a new piece of paper. When I want to start, I put my cup on the paper with my distracted head, which makes a circle, and stain the paper with some coffee drops. I wipe it clean with my sleeve instead of getting a new piece of paper. Then as with the previous one I start writing down which names I still remember.

Finally, I draw a big question mark next to everything

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Finally, I draw a big question mark next to everything. If I still scratch the paper with my pen, thinking, an image pops up that I've never seen before. I lie on a stretcher and I am carried out of a tunnel-like space. I remember the smell of fire and smoke. But can't make anything out of it other than this image. Annoyed, I put my pen down. "Damn, he's right. The pills are suppressing my memories" I sigh through my teeth. I pick up my phone and see to my dismay that it is already late afternoon. "Why does time always go so fast, when you need more of it." I roll my eyes at myself. Then I open the chat.

Layana: Day three. And you were right. While I still don't fully trust you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

It really just takes a few seconds for Nym-0s to come online

Nym-0s: That's enough for me.

Layana: And what now? You said we could meet?

Nym-0s: Hungry?

Layana: What?

Nym-0s: Are you hungry?

Layana: I am always hungry...

Nym-0s: I know :) Let's meet, I know a little restaurant, it's quiet enough to talk, but busy enough for you to feel comfortable. 

Nym-0s: What do you say?

I think for a moment, it doesn't feel safe at all. But what have I got to lose? Nothing right?

Layana: Okay. Send me the address.

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