Oblivion - Part 21

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Jake opened the door of the building and let me lead the way inside. As soon as I'm inside I look around, it's a typical bikers cafe but the atmosphere is far from grim, it's cheerful. The people inside are playing billiards, the music is loud but not so that you can't hear each other anymore, because there is plenty of chatter. Only the moment when Jake steps inside, behind me, it falls silent, you can only hear the music playing.

Reluctantly, I look behind me at Jake, wondering what he's going to do. But I see such a self-assured smirk on his face that I am taken aback for a moment. He steps away from behind me, takes my hand and leads me to the bar. The man behind the bar, quite a bit older than us, with a small ponytail on his neck, is the only one who starts to speak "Oh no, there is no place for slick tricksters here. What the hell are you doing here?!" he lift his chin provocative and sounds rigid. "Nice to see you too Frank." Jake replies, genuinely happy. I see the man walk around the bar in a bit of a hurry and grabs Jake's face with two hands as he stands in front of him. "Welcome back son!" he says with tenderness in his voice and hugs Jake briefly but firmly. Then he yells "A round on the house!! Slicky Smooth Talker is back!". Glasses are raised and a loud "Rah-rah!" is shouted.

Frank is already behind the bar and asked us what we wanted to drink "Coke, and you?" Jake looks at me. "This sounds so stupid, but I'm craving a glass of water." I answer him. "Oh Frank, do you still have those burgers?" he calls after Frank. "Coming up, two?". "Yes!" Jake confirmed, without asking me if I want a burger too. When Frank has walked away I look at Jake with an eyebrow raised "I have so many questions.". He chuckles "I bet, shoot, what's your first question?". "Okay, okay, first question, son? No, wait a more important question. Slicky Smooth Talker?! What the heck and why?" I lean with my back against the bar, looking at him waiting for an answer. "Yes Jake, why?" I hear from behind the bar. When I turn around, Frank is back, as if he'd sneaked there. Startled, I blurt out without thinking "And what's your name? Sneaky soft paws?".

Dumbfounded, Frank stares at me, but Jake next to me, roars with laughter. "That's what I'm going to call you Frank from now on!". Frank quickly regained his attitude "Is this your girl?" he says to Jake, but then turns his attention to me. "Why Slicky Smooth Talker huh, I can tell you that." He gives me a playful wink and then continues "With those quick fingers on his keyboard and with the sweet talk he has, he got filthy rich.". "Frank!" I hear Jake say loudly. Frank looks up at Jake with a teasing grin. "Oh, she didn't know that? Hmm guess she has more questions now." then he points a finger at Jake. "Remember, never laugh at Frank. You should have learned that lesson by now, right?" Then he walks away to serve other guests.

"Is he serious?" I ask a little hesitantly. Jake still smiling "Yes and no. Frank knows me very well. I am like a son to him, you and I know who my real begetter is and that was not a father to me and one day Frank became my father figure. So, when he asked if you are my girl, I nodded yes. I have never said about any girl i brought he that she is my girl. That's why he knows I have zero secrets to you." he's looking at me whether I still follow what he is telling. "Ah, let me guess. You used to do some shit, and he kicked you in the butt for it." I shrug. He looks at me for a moment "Nothing surprises you, huh". "Oh! I'm amazed. But everyone has a past, so do I. But I just try to accept how the truth is brought to me". I smile at him.

Our burgers were brought and we took a seat at a table. He told me a lot about himself, while we ate. That he grew up in Duskwood, but never knew who his father was until later in life. That he moved to a place near where we are now, when he was fourteen. That's how he got to know Frank. Their first encounter was when he played the trick. He used his smooth talk to the one who had Frank's dirt bike in his garage, and when Frank wanted to pick up the bike it was no longer there. Jake told me he drove around this building laughing hard, but fell off it, broke his front tooth, and had to do the dirty jobs for Frank, all summer long, as punishment. He always had an eye for smart deals he told me. And one of them, with his useful talents, he managed to make the cut and basicly never has to work again. He explained that most people here know him, thats why they fell silent when he walked in. Because that day happened, the day he lost everything at once. He lost his friends here, and Frank. All his bank accounts were frozen until recently. When his name was cleared and the charges were dismissed, everything was released. And he was able to visit this place again.

I wanted to know so much more, but when I looked at the clock, our time here was up and we had to go. We said goodbye to Frank and promised to come back soon. Then we left for Duskwood, on to the Aurora.

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