Oblivion - Part 13

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"With you to Duskwood?" he blinks and frowns a little in surprise "Sure. But why do you want to go there?". I looked up from my hands, my red cheeks had subsided. "You don't mind?" I ask him. "No of course not." he replies with still the same look "Why would I be against that?". "Because I promised you, I wouldn't go." confused by my own answer, I fell silent.

"If that is what you have read, that was years ago. When it was still dangerous for you to go there." he tried to reassure me. "That's the thing, I haven't read our texts yet" my eyes widen "Does that mean-" I don't dare to finish my sentence, afraid I'll jinx my improvement. We both remain silent and look at each other. Then it's Jake who breaks the silence. "If you want to go to Duskwood with me, we will." there's a smile on his face, with those damn dimples. "I will have to book the train tickets, pack my bags and make a plan." I think out loud. "Why train tickets?" he asks me. "Because I don't drive a car. I once got my driver's license, but never renewed it because I took those pills." I answer him like it's the most normal thing. "And why should you drive?" was his next question, with emphasis on the you. "Oh, can you drive?" I ask naively. He sighs "Yes, I can. But I don't drive a car. So if you're ready for an adventure, I'd be happy to take you with me on the back of my motorcycle, if you are up for it".

How does this man manage to get more and more attractive with every sentence he says. AAAH!! A motorcycle!! YES!!

"Oh that sounds like fun, yes. I'm up for that." I keep as calm as I possible can "But shouldn't you first arrange something with your work before you can leave? Because I do". "There are things you don't know about me, even from before the 'incident', so let me put it this way. I have plenty of reasons why I don't have to." a mysterious smirk appeared. "Fine, keep your secrets" I shake my head and wave it away with my hand. "And I have to find something for JJ and Rickie." I continue planning out loud "How about we go the day after tomorrow?" I look up to him. "I can go, when you can go," he smiles.

It was around one when he left, which gave me plenty of time to write my resignation letter, print it out and go to work. At half past three I reached my work building, in the metro I had already called HR that I would come by and why. When I had arrived at the front of the building I paused for a moment, looked it up and down and took the a moment to reflect. As far as I could remember I wasn't impulsive or reckless in my decisions, I always had a routine, I always planned ahead, I didn't do spontaneous things. However, I am doing that now for the most part. I would never just quit my job, now I do. Not completely reckless of course, I know that I have more than enough money in my savings. A digit with five zeros behind it should be enough for a long time. That's what you get if you never go on vacation or do things other than sitting at home. Which also means I can easily bridge the notice period of my contract with my free hours that I still have to take. And as for my cats, I had asked Andy if he was willing take them in, and he said yes. We've talked enough in our coffee breaks that he wants pets for his kids. After my visit to HR, I went to Andy. We had agreed that tomorrow, on Saturday his day off, I would bring the cats. Then I went back home. Saturday passed quickly. I had said goodbye to JJ and Rickie, and after seeing the super happy and cheerful faces of Andy's children as they each took a cat in their arms, I knew I had made the right choice. Then I went shopping. I had asked Jake what I needed to travel on a motorcycle. And after I bought all the stuff I needed, I got something to eat for the evening.

I look forward to our journey. We have to cross the whole country to finally get to Duskwood. That's why I went to bed early, I want to be well rested.

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