Oblivion - Part 14

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I woke up early and made sure I was ready quick, leaving plenty of time to get outside and wait for Jake. He texted me he would be there in ten minutes. I'm waiting on the sidewalk, when I hear the roar of an engine. A black robust motorcycle drives up and stops in front of me.

With the heel of his foot he kicks off the kickstand and gets off his bike, while I wait patiently for him to come to me. With my helmet in hand and my backpack slung over one shoulder, I watch him intently. The bad boy look he has now makes my knees soft. Moreover the leather hooded motorcycle jacket he wears accentuates his body pretty well. "I really need to stop staring" I mutter to myself as Jake takes off his helmet and walks over to me. "Ready to go?" he asks as he strokes his hair back with his hand. This guy has no clue what he's causing inside of me. And then I have to sit behind him, with not even an inch between us. While swallowing all my thoughts away, I answer a little to exited in my opinion "Absolutely!".

We had been on the road for a while and I love the ride so far. I felt safe on the back with my arms around him. The wind, the speed, it gave me the feeling of ultimate freedom, I can clear my head, let go of the control I tried so hard to hold on to and gave Jake the control. The journey would take about ten hours with stops, and we are approaching our first stop. He took the exit to a gas station with a rest area next to it. When we had got both off the bike, it's Jake who walks away for a visit to the restroom. I look around calmly, the surroundings are beautiful. Lots of nature despite being along the highway. When I turn around, I see a billboard offering vacations to tropical islands. This is the first time a real memory of Jake and me comes to mind. The conversation we had, our first smalltalk. There on the spot I decide that I will not read our chat history. I want to remember him in real memories, not as maybe I've read it. I feel hope, hope that all will be well.

When I see him walking back to me, he has two bottles of drinks in his hands that he proudly holds up. "Here, I brought water." he laughs. He keeps looking at me a little longer "Why do you look so happy?". I take a deep breath "Well, because I think our next adventure should be on an deserted island with WiFi!". If his mouth could fall to the floor, it would. "You remember that? Or did you read that?" he asks carefully. "I saw that billboard" I point to it "And I thought we still had to go to that deserted island. The thought made me laugh a little at first. But then I realized it's a memory!" I make little claps with my hands out of joy. "Oh, and I've decided not to read our chat history. I want to remind you, not read about it." He takes a step closer, his finger runs a strand of hair behind my ear, the touch gives me goosebumps. "Thank you." he says with eyes filled with affection. I feel the tension, the desire to kiss him. So I lean forward slightly to give him a kiss, but he gently stops me. "You have no idea how much and how long I've wanted to kiss you. But don't kiss me until you fully remember me." I felt a little embarrassed, only that quickly subsided because he gave me a kiss on my cheek. He was right, he will know I fully remember him when I really kiss him.

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