Chapter 1

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This chapter includes: cursing

"Y/N's" pronouns are She/Her, if you aren't comfortable with them, you could exit the story

"DUSTIN! I DONT HAVE ALL DAY! GET YOUR ASS UP!" I yelled as I grabbed my backpack off the floor and swung it over my shoulder.

"JESUS WONT YOU WAIT ONE SECOND!" Dustin replied as he was running down the stairs as he was pulling down his "Hellfire" shirt. I never knew why he wears that damn shirt every single day? He said something about it being a Dungeons and Dragons club at school, I still remember the rules and stuff from when I first taught it to Dustin when I was into it, I was probably around his age, then Dustin taught it to his best friends Mike, Will, and Lucas and they started playing games together. Unfortunately Will and his family had moved away because of some.. incidents.

"I don't have time for you! We are going to be late!" I yelled at Dustin as he quickly grabbed all his notebooks and shoved them into his bag.

"Let's go!" I yelled and exaggerated the "O" as I grabbed the car keys and ran out the house

I started up the car then I saw Dustin running outside, almost tripping over himself as he flew into the passenger seat. I started pulling out of the driveway while Dustin was trying to catch his breath.

*At school*

I got out of the car with Dustin while grabbing my bookbag and we started walking towards the school. Dustin saw his friend Mike and ran up towards him while I tried to find Nancy, or Jonathan.

I walked into the school as I looked around at all the students talking to each other then I headed towards my locker to put my stuff in.

* Lunchtime *

I walk into the cafeteria and I see my brother, Dustin sitting with his friend, Mike with a quite small group filled with people that looked my age? I never noticed he was sitting with people way older than him, like the seniors and juniors. They were chatting away but I suddenly noticed one person at their table.. he had long messy hair with beautiful dark brown eyes with rings all over his fingers, he also had the same shirt Dustin was wearing, the one that says Hellfire on it, I noticed that everybody at that table was wearing the same exact shirt.

Suddenly he stood up on the table and slowly started walking down it.

"Well, as long as your into band, or science or.. partiesss or a GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" He yelled at the basketball team, mocking them. I laughed because I could imagine their embarrassed faces. The basketball captain, Jason, didn't like what he said, well I mean he just mocked him in front of everyone in the cafeteria.

"you want something freak?!" He yelled and the man made a weird noise while putting his hands over his head, like he was making horns and he stuck out his tongue. Kinda freaky but also kinda hot.

I decided not to just stand there watching that man, but I grabbed my nasty school lunch and went over to where Dustin and I guess his club was sitting.
"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" I asked nicely
"Sure, we don't mind!" Dustin told me as the long haired man stared at me for a few seconds, I felt he was judging me.
"so..what's your name?" I looked over to him "I'm Y/N, Y/N Henderson, what's your name?" I said In a welcoming way

"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson" he introduced himself the same way I did. I smiled at him and looked down at my nasty lunch. School lunch was the worst on Wednesdays. I pushed my tray slightly away from me and I looked back at Eddie, I noticed he was still staring at me from before and he quickly looked away and put a magazine over his face.

What was up with him?


So if you were a past reader from when this chapter was first posted, if you re-read it you'd notice that the dialogue and everything is different, the more I read into this chapter the more I realize I could add more detail to make it much better than it was. So I will be doing this with the future chapters in this story that I will be editing. (Before this chapter was only 240-260 words but now it's 679 words not including this authors note)

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now