Chapter 34

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This chapter includes: cursing


We were at Mike's house and we were in the basement, Max had explained everything to Lucas and he got shown a new paper 'VICTOR CREEL CLAIMS: ANCIENT DEMON KILLED FAMILY'

"Okay, be honest uh.. you guys understand any of this?" Steve asked while looking at a copy of the news paper "no-" Lucas said but got cut off "pretty straight-forward" Dustin said "oh straight-forward? Really?" Steve said as he put down the news paper "what's confusing to you? So far everyone Vecna has cursed has died except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor if anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him." Dustin asked, I was looking at a copy of the news paper too "That's assuming he was cursed Henderson, which we don't even know" Steve said while glaring at Dustin "How can Vecna have existed in the 50's? It doesn't make sense" Steve mumbled "As far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside down, she opened a gate to it. The upside down has probably been around for thousands of years, millions! I wouldn't even be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs" Dustin said "Dinosaurs? What are we-" Steve tried saying but got cut off "okay okay! But if a gate didn't exist in the 50's, how did Vecna get through?" Lucas asked "how's he getting through now?" Steve said while pointing his finger "and why now?" I asked "and why then? Just pops out in the 50's, kills one family and he's like 'Im good' and poof he just disappears, just.. gone? Only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? No I don't buy it" Steve said as he looked down at the news paper again "Straight forward my ass" Steve said with a sigh "Honestly Henderson, a little humility now and then, it wouldn't hurt you" Steve said while slightly leaning forward "sorry" Dustin said with a sigh, Steve sat on a chair and crossed his legs, he continued reading the news paper

"Any idea what she's writing?" Dustin whispered, Lucas shook his head "No idea" I whispered back to him, Steve looked at Max which was writing "Did she sleep?" Dustin asked and I shrugged "I mean, would you?" Lucas asked and we heard a door open, Steve started standing up as Nancy and Robin came running down the stairs "Okay so.." Nancy said then she sighed "we have a plan" Nancy continued, Nancy handed Steve a folder and I read it over his shoulder "Thanks to Nancy's minions, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame" Robin said "I'm now Ruth" Nancy said "and I'm Rose" Robin said "Ruth?" Steve asked Nancy and she turned her head to him, Dustin read the paper a little more "Nice GPA" he said with wide eyes "Thanks" Nancy said with a smile "So we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics" Nancy said "to which they said no" Robin told us "But, we landed a 3:00 with the director" Nancy said "Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor" Robin said "and maybe we could get rid of their curse" Nancy said while looking at me and Max

"Yeah about that.. we've been doing our Victor Creel homework and uh.. we got some questions" Steve said "lots of questions" Lucas said "So do we, hopefully Victor has the answers" Nancy said "Wait, wait wait a second uh.. where's mine?" Steve asked and Nancy gave him a smile, Me, Steve, Nancy and Robin walked into Nancy's room while Steve was yelling at her "Nancy your out of your mind if you think I'm babysitting again with Y/n-" Steve said "First, they are not babies anymore and Max is in real danger! She needs people around her!" Nancy said "I know but why is it always us?" Steve said while pointing to himself and me "oh my God you have a Tom Cruise poster!- you have a Tom Cruise poster.." Robin said with a smirk "That's.. old" Nancy said and I giggled "it's just- can you please not touch anything?!" Nancy asked while turning around and Robin crouched down to her side table "I can't do anything here Nance! Maybe I can be helpful with this Asylum director dude I don't know, maybe I could turn on my.. my charm" Steve said "not the charm we need" Nancy said and I chuckled "ouch" Steve said

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