Chapter 21

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This chapter includes: cursing, mentions of childhood abuse, mentions of drugs and assault

I stared at both of them as they glared at each other for a few seconds "What is wrong with you dude. Do you love Y/N or do you want to use her as your little sex toy? Because you clearly don't care if she's hurt or not!" Eddie said as I stood up, I had scrapes on my arm which were bleeding a little but it was fine, I could just wrap it up "I'm sorry Y/N" Billy said, looking at me with fake sad eyes, I just glared at him "like your actually sorry" I said to him, standing behind Eddie while Billy started walking towards Eddie and I walked Infront of Eddie "don't you dare hurt him" I told Billy as he walked very close infront of me and bent down to my level "I wasn't going to hit him princess, I was going to you" Billy said as he grabbed me, pulling me behind him "LET ME GO!" I yelled at Billy "LET MY GIRLFRIEND GO!" Eddie said as he walked closer to Billy "And if I don't? Your too of a pussy to hurt me! Not even a-" Billy said but got interrupted by Eddie punching him right in the face and Billy letting go of me, I ran away from Billy and I stared at them, Billy was bending down with his face to the side of them, he had a bloody nose, he straightened up and looked him dead in the eye

They were staring at eachother when Billy punched Eddie in the face and he fell back, Billy got on top of him and started punching Eddie, Eddie tried blocking the punches but he still got hit, I ran inside Eddie's trailer and sped to the phone and called 911

"911 what's your emergency" a calm lady asked through the phone "HELP MY BOYFRIEND'S GETTING ASSAULTED BY SOMEONE!" I yelled through the phone, looking outside, Eddie wasn't moving "PLEASE HURRY MY BOYFRIEND'S NOT MOVING!" I yelled as I started tearing up "Ma'am calm down, where are you?" The lady asked, still calm and I told them where we were "the police are on the way" The lady told me "THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I yelled through the phone and hung up, I ran outside and Billy stopped punching " it's only us" Billy said, grinning and I ran towards Eddie, crying "what did you do..WHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO?!" I shouted at Billy, sobbing and holding onto Eddie, he was unconscious but Billy just bent down next to me and put his hand around my shoulder "Don't you dare touch me." I told Billy as I slapped his hand away "He's a freak anyway, come me" Billy said, putting his hand on my chin but I slapped his hand again

I couldn't say anything..I was just staring at Eddie, crying..I saw police cars pull up and Billy looked shocked at me "you called the police you bitch.." Billy said to me as the officers ran towards Billy and cuffed him "come on man, are the cuffs necessary?" Billy asked as they walked towards the car but the officer didn't answer, a few seconds later there was an ambulance pulling up and taking Eddie, I hopped into the ambulance with him and we drove to the hospital

* At the hospital *

We got to the hospital and they brought Eddie into a room, he was bleeding a lot and his nose was definitely broken, I continued to cry as the doctors told me to sit down and they started cleaning his face "definitely broken, actually really bad.." the doctor told me as he looked at his nose, touching it slightly "we have to x-ray him, we will be right back" the doctor said as he walked out the room with Eddie and I just sat there, bouncing my leg

A few minutes later he came back "yep..if his nose went up only a little bit more then it is now then he would have died" the doctor said as my stomach felt sick and my heart skipped a beat..'he could have died..?' I thought to myself "he will have an emergency surgery" the doctor said and his uncle knocked on the door "holy shit.." his uncle said as he stared at Eddie, tears fell down his face as he sat down next to me "you don't have to pay for it all right now, because it's an emergency surgery" he said to both of us "thanks doc..but will he wake up soon?" I said to the doctor "well he will have to put him in anesthesia, which will leave him sleeping for a few hours, so I would say tonight he will wake up but don't worry, we will have nurses by his side all through the night to tell us when he wakes up" The doctor said to us, tapping his own on his board "thank you..would it be okay if I made a phone call?" I asked him and he nodded

I walked to the phone and called my mom "mom?" I asked to the phone "yes sweetie?" My mom replied "I will be staying at the hospital, Eddie got beat up and he needs surgery..I want to see him when he wakes up" I told my mom in a shaky voice "oh my..sweetie..I'm so sorry..stay as long as you need..just make sure it's fine with a doctor first.." my mom said in the phone "I will tell you in a second, I'm going to ask the doctor" I told my mom and I hung up, I ran to the room "would it be okay if I stood with him, so I'm here when he wakes up" I asked the doctor "of course, just we need to check in with a guardian or parent to see if it's fine" the doctor said "I just asked my mom if it was alright, she said it was fine" I told the doctor "okay then, you could stay" he told me "and me too? Could I stay with my nephew too?" His uncle asked the doctor, wiping his tears "yes, we know your his legal guardian currently so yes, you may stay" the doctor said "but, you can't be with him during surgery" the doctor said to us both

"That's fine" I said as I sat down next to Eddie's uncle and they took Eddie away "so uh..what's your name?" I asked Eddie's uncle "my name's Wayne, and your Y/N, correct?" He asked me and I nodded and we continued chatting for a little about Eddie and we somehow got into Eddie's past with his parents "I had to stay at his parents house because his mother was a huge alcoholic and his father was both an alcoholic and he was on drugs, hardcore drugs.." Wayne told me and I listened "they would always tell him to be more like other boys, boys who played baseball, basketball, football, but Eddie didn't like sports as a kid, he was always into music and making music, his parents called him gay and called him gay slurs because he was into music and he wanted his hair to be long, like metalhead people, he absolutely admired them" Wayne continued "but sometimes I wouldn't spend nights there and the next day I would see Eddie with a bunch of bruises and belt lines on his arms, legs, back almost everywhere..but, when he was in the summer going into 6th grade..I overheard Eddie's dad yelling at him saying things like 'boys don't have long hair! You need to cut it!' and now at this time his hair was pretty long, his hair went down to his elbows but I also heard Eddie scream a few seconds after he said that and I heard a buzzing sound, I ran to where they were and I saw a chunk of Eddie's long hair on the floor, he was crying but his father just held a buzzer in his hand while his other hand was gripping Eddie's hair" Wayne told me, I felt really bad for Eddie..

"His father cut too much off his head to hide it so we had to give him a buzz cut right when he was going to middle school and his parents kept telling him that now he actually looks like a boy and at this point I had enough of their bullshit. I fought for custody of Eddie and I won with all the proof of abuse and he started living with me, even though I had a small trailer we made it work and ever since his parents haven't contacted us, not even for his birthday but we are still happy and he met you, now when I tell you he does not stop talking about you!" Wayne said, laughing at the last part and I blushed "really? How much does he talk about me?" I asked Wayne "holy shit he does not stop! He either talks about his band or you!" He said laughing and I smiled as the doctor knocked on the door

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now