Chapter 25

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This chapter includes: cursing, bullying, and mention of divorced parents/ parent leaving

I started walking to the school while everyone was staring at me, when I walked into the school everyone started whispering to eachother. "Oh my God why is that slut showing up to school after what she did" I overheard one of the girls saying as I walked passed them "OMG did you hear she is dating the freak AND she slept with 2 other people?" I heard another group of girls telling eachother '2 people? What did Jason tell everyone..' I thought to myself as I kept walking to my locker when I tripped over someones foot "awe I'm so sorry slut!" I heard someone say, it was one of the popular girls, Olivia. "How was last night with Steve Harrington?" I heard her say and my heart dropped "did you forget how many people you slept with? Wow you really are a dirty slut!" I heard her say while laughing with her group of girls as I stood up and walked towards my locker but in lipstick someone wrote on my locker 'SLUT! WHORE!' and alot of stuff was written on my locker but one thing caught my eye the most 'GO CRY TO YOUR FREAK BOYFRIEND IN THE HOSPITAL' it said and I started tearing up 'but the only person that knew I was visiting Eddie was..DANNY' I thought to myself and I felt my blood boil

I got my stuff from my locker and walked to my first class "Why..hello Y/N.." my Math teacher told me as she stared at me up and down, I just sat down at my desk and was thinking about why Danny would tell Jason about Eddie 'maybe it was because I yelled at him for kissing me? Maybe he was threatened to tell Jason?' so many thoughts flew through my head as I looked over and saw Danny wasn't at his desk? But I got scared as someone gave me a note from behind me, it was one of Olivia's friends and she gave me a grin 'quick question, how many people did you sleep with slut? -Adriana' the note said and I scribbled on the note 'I didn't sleep with anyone!' I handed her the note and I turned back to my work but she pulled my hair hard "AH!" I yelled out as everyone looked at me "I bet those were the noises she made when she was screwing Steve and Jason" I heard Adriana whisper to another of her friends "Adriana! Don't pull anyone's hair!" The teacher yelled at her and I felt the tears coming but I held them back

*After class*

I had 5 minutes before my next class so I tried finding Jason, I was going to kill him. I found him laughing with his friends and I ran to him "WHAT THE FUCK JASON?!" I yelled as he turned around "WHY WOULD YOU SPREAD A RUMOR OF ME SLEEPING WITH YOU AND STEVE?!" I yelled at Jason as he smiled "I don't know, maybe because I just wanted to make your life worse, you chose a freak over me, so your gonna live the freak life! It's your fault you didn't choose me." Jason said while smiling and I slapped him across the face "So just because I don't love you, you wanted to make my life hell?" I told Jason with tears in my eyes "yes, yes Y/ don't know how much I loved you Y/n.."  Jason told me while grinning "Jason..when we used to date you never showed me any kisses no hugs no cuddling no NOTHING! Your saying that is love? Love is just calling someone babe and not even giving them a hug? Wow.." I told Jason as a few tears fell down my face but he just stayed silent and I walked away crying 'what the fuck is wrong with him' I thought as I walked to my next class

*At lunch*

I took a deep breath as I got my lunch and walked over to the Hellfire table, I knew people were gonna make fun of me but I just wanted to eat lunch with my friends. I sat down at my table and nothing happened yet and I sighed in relief "so are you guys?" I asked everyone "Did you cheat on Eddie?" I heard Gareth say "No!" I told him "are you guys starting to believe their lies too?" I said to them "I never said that I just wanted to know" Gareth told me as he continued eating his lunch and so did everyone else but I realized something, I'm Dustin's that means that people might make fun of him too 'Fuck' I thought as I ate my food, somehow I'm not getting made fun of yet. I ate all my food and lunch was almost over, I went to put my tray away and nothing happened yet..weird..but as I started walking back to my table the lights shut out and I stood there in shock for a second but I continued walking but I tripped in the dark, the lights came on and as soon as they came on I got milk dumped on me, after the milk was someone's lunch, and then someone tapped my back hardly, I knew it was a paper so I tried getting it off but I couldn't reach it, I stood up to get it off but I couldn't, the whole cafeteria started laughing and I heard footsteps running towards me, it was Dustin. He took it off and he read it

'Y/N Henderson has slept with Steve Harrington and Jason Carter! She also cheated on the FREAK! EDDIE MUNSON' The note said and Dustin looked shocked " this true..?" Dustin whispered to me "no ofcourse not!" I told him as I started tearing up and I ran out of the cafeteria, I did not want to deal with everyone laughing at me. I ran into the girls bathroom, went into the stall, and sat on the toilet crying. I heard someone walk in so I put my feet up on the toilet seat "I know your in here slut!" I heard Olivia yell as I covered my mouth so she would hear me crying "Adriana, Gabby" I heard Olivia say as I heard running feet, they ran out of the bathroom and left me with Olivia "so slut, how many people have you slept with huh? I bet you can't even count them all because your a piece of garbage! No wonder your dad left you, he didn't want to raise a slutty daughter!" She said laughing and I heard footsteps running back with but they were slower "I bet your mom is disappointed that she is raising a whore daughter all on her own! She wouldn't like to hear her daughter was fucking 2 people while cheating on your boyfriend that's in the hospital because another guy wanted to get into your pants" she said as I heard water filling up "Aren't you going to speak?! I bet you were doing way more then talking when you were getting fucked!" She told me while banging on the door which made me flinch and my breath was shaking "awe is the slut scared? You weren't scared when you were getting knocked up by 2 other guys" she told me as I saw her feet walk back from the door "well, since your trash, might as well be covered in trash!" She yelled as I saw a big garbage bin getting dumped on me. I put my arms over my head as wet garbage covered me

I heard the girls laugh and leave the bathroom as I continued crying. After 10 minutes of crying I stood up and wiped some trash off me and into the toilet, I flushed and I tried washing my arms with the school soap and I just ran all the way outside, I got to my car and wiped off more trash off me before getting into me car and driving home, I parked at my house and ran inside to take a nice, long shower. I got into the shower and I saw brown water go into the drain "this is so disgusting" I told myself as I kept scrubbing my hair with shampoo. 45 minutes later I finished my shower and got out, I picked up my disgusting clothes and threw them out "I didn't really like that outfit anyway.." I told myself as I got changed into clean clothes and I fell onto my bed, crying

I cried for an hour before I heard the house phone ring, it was probably the school calling to tell my mom I skipped, I went downstairs and answered the call, and I put on my best 'mom' voice "Hello?" I said imitating my mom's voice "Hello, is this Mrs. Henderson?" I heard a forced voice, like a forced adult voice "yes this is Mrs. Henderson" I told them, still imitating my mom's voice "may I please speak with
Y/N Henderson?" I heard the forced voice say on the phone "okay, Y/N SOMEONE WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" I said, still in my mom's voice and I didn't speak for a minute "Hello?" I said in my normal voice "Hello slut." I heard Olivia say and I sighed "what do you want" I told her "I just wanna know if your with a new guy because I saw someone climb through your window" she said in the phone and my heart sank "how do you know where I live and what did they look like?!" I asked frantically in the phone "I don't know, but they look cute" I heard her say then she hung up

I immediately ran to my room and I saw  Danny sitting on my bed "what are you doing here" I asked him and he just walked towards me "don't touch me" I told him as he just kept getting closer but I walked out of my room "don't fucking touch me!" I yelled and he stopped "look Y/n, I just want to tell you I was threatened by Jason, that's how they know about Eddie, they even put a knife against my throat" Danny told me but I didn't say anything back "I know your mad at me for kissing you that night and I'm sorry about that, I just got carried away" he told me "just please get out.." I told him and he started walking to the front door " did you know where I live" I asked him "oh..someone took a picture of your house and it's hanging up in school" Danny told me and my heart sank "DANNY WHY DIDNT YOU TAKE THE PICTURE DOWN?!" I yelled at him "because someone else told me, but I don't know what their name is" he said as he walked out the door and I fell to my knees crying

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now