Chapter 35

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This chapter includes: cursing

We all were in Eddie's room searching for music "STEVE SAYS YOU NEED TO HURRY!" Erica yelled while popping her head into the room "YEAH NO SHIT!" Dustin yelled back as I searched for music with Eddie "We're trying! We can't find anything!" Max yelled "Seriously what is all this shit?!" Robin asked while looking at Eddie "Well what are you even looking for?!" Eddie asked while placing some tapes on the floor "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles, Music! We need MUSIC!" Robin yelled while dropping a bunch of tapes "THIS IS MUSIC!" Eddie yelled while holding up a random tape "WELL I DONT THINK NANCY LIKES YOUR MUSIC ED!" I yelled while searching for something I think Nancy would like but couldn't find anything

*A few minutes later*

Nancy had woken up without music and we were all sitting on the couch in Max's house "He.. showed me things that haven't happened yet.. the most awful things.. I saw.. a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins.. downtown on fire.. dead soldiers.. and this.. giant creature.. with a gaping mouth and this creature wasn't alone.. there were so many monsters.. an army.. and they were coming into Hawkins.. into our neighborhoods.. our homes.. and then.. he showed me my mom.. and Holly.. Mike.. and they.. they were all.." Nancy explained as she started tearing up "Okay but.. he's just trying to scare you Nance" Steve said and we all looked at him "right I mean.. I mean it's not real-" Steve continued but got interrupted "Not yet. But there.. there was something else.. he showed me gates.. four gates spreading across Hawkins and these gates.. they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer but they didn't stop growing and this wasnt the upside down Hawkins this was our Hawkins.. our home" Nancy said as she started tearing up again, Eddie and Steve looked at me "four chimes" Max said as we all turned to her "Vecna's clock.. it always chimes four times.. four exactly" Max said "I heard them too.." Nancy said "Me too.." I added and everything went silent, I closed my eyes for a second and sighed, when I opened them I saw vines and it looked like the upside down

"No.. no no no no no no.." I said while looking around, I was home and I heard a chime, I turned around and saw the clock, he heart started beating faster as I stood up, I ran to the front door and I opened it, there were planks on the outside of the door, not allowing me outside "HELP!! HELP ME!" I yelled, hoping Eddie, Nancy, Steve, Dustin or anyone else would hear me when I heard another chime "Y/n.." I heard a deep voice say and I turned around quickly to find the weird creature walking towards me, it was Vecna. I ran away from Vecna and tried going through a window up that was boarded up too, I ran to the back door and the door was also boarded up, I heard another chime and I turned around "Y/n.. your suffering.. is about to end.." He said as he got closer to me, I ran away from him again and I closed my eyes to stop the tears when I heard the fourth chime, I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by red fog and floating house pieces, it looked like what Max drew one time "Y/n.." Vecna said as I saw it was only a few feet away from me, I backed up from him and ended up on those poll things I saw in Max's drawing, suddenly vines wrapped around my arms, legs and my neck, I tried to get out of the vines when Vecna got closer to me

"Your time has come.. Y/n.." He said as he lifted his left hand up and my breathing quickened 'Is this the end?! I don't wanna die yet I don't wanna die yet I DONT WANNA DIE YET!' I kept thinking as he put his hand closer to my face when he suddenly stopped "Just a small town girl!" I heard faintly and I smiled, I looked behind Vecna and I saw an opening to the real world again "living in a lonely world!" I heard and I started getting out of the vines, I fell out of them and I ran as fast as I could towards the world "She took the midnight train going anywhere!" The song kept playing as I kept running, suddenly I saw a part of the house falling from above right next to me, I dodged it and I kept going, wood kept falling from the sky and I dodged each piece "Just a city boy!" The song continued playing and I was almost there, I smiled and I went through

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now