Chapter 32

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This chapter includes: cursing

I was walking around Steve's pool when I saw my mom? "Mom?" I asked "sweetie! Why are you at Steve's house? And where are your pants?" My mom questioned "uh I jumped into the pool in my underwear" I said to her "but Steve and Eddie saw you in your underwear?" She asked and I thought for a moment "mom, Steve's my best friend, he has seen me in a bathing suit before" I said "but that was your underwear" she said to me "I know.." I told her "well why did you do it?" She asked "it was for a dare, why are you asking me so many questions?" I asked her "because I wondered why my daughter is in a big house with 2 boys in her underwear" she said while putting a hand on my shoulder "and you drank alcohol too. What if they took advantage of you?" She asked "they wouldn't do that! Eddie knows not to do that and Steve is my best friend! He doesn't even like me like that!" I yelled "have you seen the way he looks at you? When you got undressed to go in the pool he was blushing. And when he looked back up and your faces were close, you wondered why he screamed." My mom said "That's not true. Doesn't Steve love Nancy?!" I yelled "he loves both of you!" my mom said as he face started turning a greyish-blue color, shit. I'm in another one of my nightmares again.

"He loves you! Are you too blind to see that? I didn't raise my daughter to be so blind!" My mom yelled in a distorted voice "He doesn't love me! He is my best friend! And only my best friend!" I yelled as her eyes went wide and maggots started pouring out of her mouth "STEVE LOVES YOU. HE DOESN'T SEE YOU AS A BEST FRIEND" my mom yelled in her distorted voice and her grip on my shoulder got tighter "YOUR BLIND!" She yelled "HE DOESN'T LOVE ME" I yelled as I saw that weird figure, it was only a few feet behind my mom, it looked like it had moving vines all over its body, it didn't have a nose and I looked just really creepy close up

"STEVE CALL THE POLICE! Y/N WAKE UP!" I heard Eddie yelled "HOLY SHIT Y/N! STEVE SHE WOKE UP!" Eddie yelled, I was sweating, my shoulder felt slightly sore, and I had a headache "I had another nightmare.. but it wasn't like the other ones.. I wasn't scared" I said and Eddie started breathing deeply as I saw Steve in the doorway "Nightmares? What nightmares?" Steve asked "every night, I think it started on Friday night?" I said and they both were staring at me "I would have a nightmare, but I would like feel it. Every nightmare had something in common, everyone in my nightmare, their face would turn a greyish-blue color and their eyes would turn white, their voice would get all distorted and recently, they would have maggots in their mouth" I said and Steve sat on the bed "after that would happen this weird figure would get closer and closer to me, this time it was only a few feet away from me, but these nightmares they are either a message or just trying to scare me, Steve you remember with all of the.." I said and Steve nodded, Eddie was confused but he didn't say anything "this nightmare though, it was weird. I was walking around in your shirt and my underwear, my mom shows up and starts asking me questions like 'why are you in this big house with 2 boys in your underwear' and she kept saying that Steve liked me, more as a best friend" I said and Steve's eyes went wide "really?" He said quietly "yeah, but I kept telling her he was my best friend and he doesn't like me like that but she kept calling me blind and her face started turning that weird color with the white eyes, distorted voice and all that" I said and Steve's face relaxed? Like in a sad way

"That's really freaky.." Steve said "yeah, my first nightmare was with Jason, Billy and Danny, the second one was with Eddie saying he didn't love me, the third one was uh.. with my dad.. and the forth one was this one" I said and I remembered something "SHIT" I yelled and they both jumped "what?" Steve and Eddie said at the same time "School! I forgot to do my homework and school is soon!" I yelled as I looked around for a clock, I stood up and saw one down the hall "ITS 7:53?!" I yelled "Y/n! You wouldn't wake up for like 15 minutes! And plus I forgot to set my alarm!" Steve yelled "might as well stay home, or here" Eddie said to me and I forgot I wasn't wearing any pants "shit uh, can I have my shorts?" I said to Steve and he had a hand over his eyes "yep yeah here" he said as he handed me my shorts, I put them on and Steve uncovered his eyes "well who likes Wednesdays anyway?" Eddie asked "yeah the school lunch is always shit on Wednesdays" I said with a giggle and I sat back down on the bed "seriously when I was in school the lunch was always shit. I started packing my lunches" Steve said "yeah" I said quietly and we just stood there in silence "so uh how do I tell my mom I stood at someone's house with 2 boys?" I said with a chuckle "I dunno" Steve said while laughing "maybe just tell her you stood at Nancy's or something" Steve said "maybe but Mike would rat me out, and Mrs. Wheeler, and Mr. Wheeler" I said with a smile "true true uh, just tell her you uhh.. made a new friend and you slept over at their house?" Eddie said "oh yeahh I did make a new friend though" I said "well perfect then! Go call her" Steve said and I walked downstairs

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