Chapter 15

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This chapter includes: cursing

We both ran to our classes, I moved my hair so it would cover the hickeys and I slowed down, taking deep breaths before walking into my class "Your late Mrs. Henderson" my math teacher told me as she stared me down "Sorry" I told her as I sped to my desk

A few minutes into class and I got a note from the kid next to me, he was a cool kid, he was in the same band class as Robin and he had nice dark curly hair with green eyes and overall a nice dude, I opened the note 'what's that on your neck?' the note said and my eyes went wide as he stared at me confused and I quickly scribbled on the paper and handed it to him 'oh I just burnt my neck this morning' he read and he scribbled again 'ouch :(' it said, I giggled quietly at the frowny face next to the note

I grabbed another piece of paper what's your name again?' I wrote then I handed it to him 'My name's Daniel, but everyone calls me Danny, what's your name?' he wrote 'my name is Y/N' I wrote before the teacher called out our names "Y/N, Daniel, do you mind sharing what you were writing to eachother?" She said in a strict tone, glaring at us, Daniel was about to say something but someone from the basketball team interrupted "That slut is probably asking him out!" And everyone started laughing "Shush!" The teacher told everyone

"That's not true!" I stood up and told him "how do we know you're telling the truth when we saw you and the freak walking out of the girls bathroom while fixing your shirts!?" The dude from the basketball team said loudly and everyone went silent "and loo-" He was about to say but the teacher interrupted him "Andy! That's enough or you're going to detention!" She yelled at him and Andy shut up

I felt so embarrassed but nervous at the same time, what if he tells Jason about it? About me speaking to another guy and the bathroom thing?

* At lunch *

I sat down at the table, glaring at Andy angrly watching as he talked to the group, which were laughing but I jumped a little when I felt a hand on my shoulder "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Eddie told me in a sweet tone "yeah I'm fine" I told Eddie while still glaring at Andy "well you keep staring at the basketball team" he told me "well, today in first period, someone passed a note to me asking about.." I pointed to my visible hickey and Eddie laughed a little "so I just told him I burnt my neck this morning and he bought it so I asked for his name and he said his name was Danny"

As I said that I saw someone walking to our table, it was Danny! "Hey Danny!" I said to him as he sat next to me "I really hope you don't mind me sitting here?" He asked us sweetly "yeah, we don't mind.." Eddie said to him and Danny smiled "so uh, what are you guys talking about?" Danny asked, looking around at everyone "I was just telling Eddie about what happened this morning.." I told Danny "Eddie?" He asked tilting his head slightly and Eddie raised his hand "that's me" he said as he placed his hand back down "also known as the freak from other people" he said while looking at the basketball team

"Oh! So your..oh.." he said "so I'm what?" Eddie said "uh it's in the rest of the story" I said as Eddie nodded his head "okay.." he said "so uh, we kept passing notes, asking for our names and stuff when the teacher called out on us" I said "Y/N! Daniel! Would you like to tell everyone what you guys are passing notes about?!" I said in a scratchy voice, mimicking the teacher and everyone laughed "When Andy said Infront of everyone, 'the slut is probably asking him out!'" I said in a fake, deep voice "and then I sa-" I was cut off by Eddie "wait wait wait, he called you a slut?" Eddie said in a serious tone "uh..yeah?" I told him

I saw anger grow in his eyes but he still had a straight face "continue.." Eddie said "so I told him that it wasn't true, but he said 'well how can we believe you if we saw you walk out of the girls bathroom with the freak fixing your shirts?!' and then the teacher told him to shut up or he would get detention" I told Eddie and his eyes grew wide "so that's why you were saying 'oh so your..oh'" Eddie said pointing at Danny while mimicking his voice and we laughed as I felt a few eyes burning into the back of my head, I turned around and I saw Andy, Jason and some other basketball players staring at me angrly

"Shit" I thought to myself before I turned back to our table

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now