Chapter 27

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This chapter includes: cursing and bullying

I woke up the next day with drool on my lip 'still so gross' I thought as I got up and stretched, I didn't feel like going to school because of Olivia and everyone else talking about me, but I need to graduate and to actually get an education. I went to my closet to pick something out, I got a gray T-shirt with black shorts and brushed my hair, I brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen, I popped some Eggos in the toaster and ate them quick, I took some deep breaths before walking outside 'wait' I thought as I checked the time "oh, it's 7:41" I said to myself as I peeked at the clock and walked back into my house, I continued taking deep breaths to prepare myself for school, and everyone there.

I felt nervous, wondering what everyone would do or say to me, I felt like my stomach was in a knot but I went into my car and drove away. I got to school and everyone was staring at me again 'here we go' I thought as I walked into the building, like yesterday people whispered to eachother about me but I didn't listen to them, but one conversation was loud enough for me to automatically hear "oh my God I heard she was talking to Steve again at his job! I think they were flirting!" I heard someone say and I sighed, I walked to my locker while looking around for Olivia, hoping she doesn't trip me again or something but I bumped into someone, I stumbled back and I saw Danny, I couldn't even say anything to him.. I was too mad at him so I just walked away quickly but he grabbed my wrist "Get away from me stalker!" I yelled and he just grinned slightly "so you know now, huh?" He said as he yanked my arm, causing me to get closer to him and he pinned me against the lockers "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled and people looked our way, some people were laughing and calling me a slut and asking if that's my new boyfriend, some of them were just minding their business, he unpinned me and grinned, "I know you liked that Darling" he said, whispering in my ear and I just ran to my locker with tears in my eyes, I looked behind me and Danny was just standing there with his stupid grin

I got to my locker, breathless and got some stuff out of my locker "oh look here, the slut showed up again but this time, we wonder if she fucked someone else before school because she is panting like a dog" Olivia said while laughing and her friends laughed too, I didn't say anything but just got my stuff from my locker "well aren't you going to say anything, slut?! You always have your mouth wide open apparently!" She said very loudly and alot of people laughed, I just stood there with my hand on the locker door, I did not want to deal with her but if I try to fight back I know I would get a suspension or even expelled "Helloo?! I know your not deaf slut!" She said and I heard her walking towards me and she walked right next to me so she could see my eyes "are you about to cry?!" She said while laughing "the slut is going to cry everyone!" She said loudly and I heard some people snickering, I didn't say anything as I had tears fill my eyes and I turned my head slightly so she wouldn't see my eyes anymore "oh my God she really is crying! So now your the crybaby slut!" She said while laughing and she grabbed my hair and yanked it "FUCK!" I blurted as she dragged me away from my locker "LOOK AT THE CRYBABY EVERYONE!" Olivia yelled and everyone around us started giggling and someone grabbed a small video camera from their bookbag and started recording, I was about to snap as everyone kept laughing and I snapped.

I elbowed her right in her nose, she let go while screaming and holding her nose, people were saying 'oooh' and after a few seconds later she uncovered her nose, which was bleeding and she ran towards me, she tackled me and we both fell on the floor, she was on top of me and she started punching me, pulling my hair, and even scratched my shoulder "YOU WANT TO HURT ME SLUT?! HUH?!" She said as she kept pulling my hair, I yanked her hair too and I somehow got on top and I started punching her, I stopped after a few seconds when I saw her crying and she had a bloody nose on both sides, her face turned red from me punching her and from her crying..tears just started falling down my face 'what have I done..?' I thought as the school bell rang and a teacher came by "OLIVIA! Y/N! PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" She yelled as we both stood up, Olivia held her nose and I wiped some blood off my nose

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