Chapter 16

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This chapter includes: cursing and rap3?

I turned back to our table, both Eddie's and Danny's laughing slowly stopped when I realized only 5 more minutes until lunch is over "ah shit" I said quietly as I put my face in my hands "what's wrong Sweetheart?" I heard Eddie say "yeah Y/N, are you okay?" I heard Danny say as they both put their hands on my shoulder "I saw Jason and Andy staring at me, meaning Andy told their table" I said to them and they both looked mad "you have to be kidding me" Eddie said while placing his hand on his forehead

* After lunch *

I was walking down the hall, expecting Jason to confront me and he did "Y/N! You say you're dating the freak, you were talking with Billy, and now you're passing notes to some random dude?! You're such a whore" Jason told me and I felt my blood boil "all I did was ask for his god damn name Jason." I told Jason, not making eye contact with him, trying not to yell at him "yeah right, Andy said you asked him out!" Jason said "well Andy is a dick that has lies coming out of his ass." I told Jason, about to lose my cool "woah I've never heard you curse like that Y/N" Jason said to me "well I'm not under your control anymore" I told him and that made Jason mad

"I never had you under my control." Jason said "yes you fucking did Jason, every time I wanted to do something with my friends you would say no, I'm not allowed to hang out with them but whenever you wanted to go out with your friends, if I said no then you wouldn't listen! You would just leave! Sometimes I caught you sneaking out in party clothes but if I confronted you about it you would blame me because apparently I'm no fun! You made me lose most of my friends Jason! You made me never hang out with them because you wanted to "spend time" with me while you were always hanging out with your friends!" I took deep breaths, I knew I was going to explode and Jason just looked at me speechless

"Y/N..I'm sorry.." Jason tried saying "no Jason, don't even try." I said with tears in my eyes and I walked away but I bumped into someone "oh hey E-...Billy?" I said as I looked up and saw his stupid grin "Hey princess" he said as he lifted my chin "leave me alone Billy." I said as I tried walking away but Billy grabbed my wrist and pulled me in closer to him "come on princess, I know you want me" he said as he slowly started rubbing my back "I said get off!" I tried pushing him off but he kept his grip strong, he was not letting me go

"I'm not letting you go until you agree to go out on a date." He said, grinning "no! I'm not going on a date with you!" I said trying to push him again but he just grabbed my hand and dragged me into the boys bathroom "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I thought as he dragged me into a stall and locked it. I was panicking, what was he going to do? Why did he drag me into the boys bathroom?

He walked towards me but I walked back until I felt a walk behind me and I was filled with panic. He grabbed my waist and whispered into my ear "do we have a date princess?" He said with a grin "no! Now let me go! Please!" I kept trying to push him but he just lifted me up and walked in between my legs, our faces were so close and now we were at the same level too, he looked into my eyes deeply as he slowly started getting closer to my face "get away! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

But before I knew it, our lips touched..I hated every moment of it, I kept trying to get him away but he was too strong, he pulled away and said "do we have a date princess?" Billy said, he clearly loved the kiss "N-NO!" He looked mad and went in for another kiss, I turned my head away from him but he just grabbed my chin and pulled me towards him and continued kissing me, he pulled away again and said "how about now?" I started tearing up "F-FINE! One date.." I said while a few tears fell down my face and his eyes lit up "so, this Friday, I will pick you up at 6pm" he said with a grin as he let me down

I nodded and ran out of the bathroom in tears 'I need to find Eddie..' I thought to myself as I ran down the halls to my next class

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now