Chapter 19

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This chapter includes: cursing

We all sat down and we put some food on our plates we started eating silently for about 5 minutes when my mom broke the silence "So long have you been dating Y/N?" My mom asked awkwardly "we have been dating for about a week" Eddie says, kinda nervous "oh..a week into a relationship and you wanted to meet me?" My mom said, laughing a bit and we laughed back "yeah, basically, but we really love each other" Eddie said as Dustin looked annoyed but also protective in a way. I jumped a little when I felt something fluffy on my foot, I looked under the table, it was just Mews and I smiled and continued eating as Eddie and my mom talked and learned about eachother "also your parents said it was okay for you to sleepover? I'm just making sure their fine with it" and Eddie's smile faded only slightly, still a smile but still "my uncle said it was fine with him" Eddie said to my mom

"Its only me and my uncle" Eddie said as he looked down at his almost empty plate "oh I'm so it something personal..with your parents..?" My mom asked Eddie "My parents were..not at all..not loving or supportive of what I loved and did, they hated I was into electric guitar and wanted me to be 'normal' and play baseball or basketball like 'normal' boys" Eddie said as his smile faded into a frown "I'm so sorry don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..I'm not forcing you..but just know I'm here if you want to talk" my mom said and Eddie smiled "thank you Mrs. Henderson" Eddie said as I smiled at the both of them

* After dinner *

"Dustin, Y/N, can you do the dishes for me? I want to talk to Eddie, just to know him better" Mom said as she looked at Eddie "of course mom, we don't mind" I said and they both walked away to the living room

* Eddie POV *

Me and Mrs. Henderson walked into the living room and we sat down "so Eddie, much do you love Y/N?" Mrs. Henderson asked as she glared at me, to be honest, she might look really nice but she can be intimidating sometimes "I love Y/N much..I love how she's so caring and smart..I love how she doesn't care what people think, I love how she would always be herself, even if other people don't like it..she is also beautiful..she is the most gorgeous girl I know" I told Mrs. Henderson with a smile as I started blushing talking about Y/N and Mrs. Henderson smiled "Well that's good that you love seem like a wonderful person, I'm going to be honest with you, I thought you were just a crazy metalhead that was disrespectful, but now that I'm getting to know you, your a really sweet boy, your nice, kind, caring, loving and just a good person!" Mrs. Henderson said and I smiled warmly

"Also uh, how old are you?" Mrs. Henderson asked me "I'm uh..I'm 20.." I told her, a little embarrassed "oh.. your 20 and still in highschool..? I'm sorry about that..well, my daughter has amazing grades, if you want you could come over and study together, you are welcome here anytime!" Mrs. Henderson said "Thank you Mrs. Henderson" I said to her "do you think you're going to do anything after graduation? Like college?" Mrs. Henderson asked me "no, college isn't for me, I've already had to retake my senior year twice, I don't want anymore school I just want to relax and hang out with my friends and Y/N if she is free" I told Mrs. Henderson as I heard the water shut off in the kitchen

"The dishes are done mom!" I heard Y/N yell from the kitchen

* Y/N POV *

Me and Dustin finally finish the dishes and I shut the water off "the dishes are done mom!" I yelled as I dried my hands with a towel and walked into the living room "come on, we should get ready for bed, I got some extra toothbrushes under the sink" I told Eddie as I started walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I grabbed my toothbrush, put a blob of toothpaste on it, then I started brushing. Eddie walked in and I held the toothbrush in my mouth grabbing a toothbrush for him, I gave him a toothbrush and handed some toothpaste to him

After we brushed our teeth we went into my room "GOODNIGHT!" I yelled and Dustin and my mom said goodnight back. I took off my necklace and put it on my nightstand. I grabbed some clothes for myself and I tried looking for clothes for Eddie "come on I have like a million big T-Shirts but I can't find one?" I say quietly as I kept looking in my closet "ah ha! Found one! Now the pants.." I said to myself as Eddie just kept looking around my room "wow, lucky day! I found big pants and a big shirt!" I said to Eddie as I threw the clothes at him "Thanks Sweetheart" he told me as he walked to the bathroom and I started changing into my own clothes

I got into my clothes and Eddie walked in with the T-shirt on his and the pants, they actually fit perfectly! We got on my bed and we just laid there. I turned to look at him and he did the same, I scooted towards him, cuddling into his chest and he put a hand on my back, pulling me close and kissing my forehead but mom walked in "I just wanted to ask if Eddie had clothes, and didn't I say earlier that one of you should be on the floor?!" My mom said to us and we both laughed "sorry mom" I said as we both sat up and Eddie got up and grabbed a pillow with a blanket, he set himself up on the floor "goodnight kids" my mom said to us "goodnight" we said as my mom shut the light and closed the door

After a few seconds Eddie stood up and went on the bed "Eddie, my mom said someone should be on the floor" I said while smiling "well I want to say goodnight to you sweetheart" and he kissed me deeply as I sat up and continued kissing him. We pulled away "goodnight Sweetheart" I heard him whisper into my ear "goodnight baby" I whispered back into his ear and he smiled and gave me one last quick kiss before he went on the floor and I fell asleep

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Eddie sleeping next to me and I smiled and kissed him on the forehead before falling back asleep

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now