Chapter 3

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This chapter includes: cursing

Eddie and I shook hands as we started our game, it was intense, the dice were rolling, and almost every number in the dice decides what will happen next..we never knew what would happen next..

Minutes and minutes went by when Eddie spoke up.
"The hooded cultist chant, Hail Lord Vecna, Hail Lord Vecna, they turn to you..remove their recognize most of them from Makbar, but there is one that you do not recognize..his skin shriveled..desiccated..and something else..he is not only missing his left arm..but his left eye!" He said, covering his left eye and everyone started shouting, saying that Vecna should be dead. "So it was thought, my it was thought but Vecna lives!" Eddie announced and he placed Vecna's figure into the table.

"Your scared, your tired, your injured, do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?" Eddie asks. We all were thinking on what to do when Dustin spoke up
"I say we fight" everyone looks at Dustin "To the death" Dustin told everyone
"To the death" Mike repeats I look around
"To the death" I repeat. everyone started chanting "To the death" while banging on the table and Eddie looks around and smiles

We roll the dice and we hit Vecna, we roll again and we get hit ourselves, and we get hit again, and again until someone calls time out and we gather around and talk about what we should do next
"Guys, I hate to say this, but we got to flee." Gareth, one of Eddie's friends said
"Didn't we just agree to the death?" I asked him
"Vecna just decimated us, we can't kill him with 2 players!" Another one of Eddie's friends said
"He only has 15 hit points left! Don't be pussies!" Dustin said

"Pussies? Really? Because we are not delusional?" Gareth replied, slowly saying the last word, exaggerating it.
"Delusional? How about not cowards?" I said to Gareth, snapping back
"Hey, if I may interject gentlemen, Lady AppleJack" Eddie continued, staring at me "Whilst I respect the passion you'd be wise to take Gareth the Great's concern to heart. There is no shame in running" he said while smiling at me "don't try to be heroes, not today, k'ay?" He said, grinning at us. God why was that grin so attractive.

We turned back around and we all huddled up
"What do you think?" Dustin asked everyone
"Well how many hit-points do you and Lady AppleJack have?" Mike asked quickly
"12" me and Dustin say at the same time
"It's risky as hell, but you were the ones on the battlefield so it's your call" Mike said
"What do you say Lady AppleJack?" Dustin says as he turns to me
"You really gotta ask?" I asked Dustin and we all started at the floor thinking for a minute and Dustin stands up and faces Eddie

"Let's kill the son of a bitch"

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now