Chapter 7

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This chapter includes: cursing

After lunch I was walking to my locker to grab some books when I saw Eddie walking towards me, I turned to look at him and he stopped and whispered in my ear "Meet me by the football field after school sweetheart" my face heated up again and I nodded and he walked away

Holy shit I thought as he walked away and I couldn't hold back my smile and I closed my locker

* At my last class *

As I sat down for my last class I couldn't focus much because I was excited to see Eddie Did he want to ask me something important? What would he say? Why would he want to meet at the football field? So many questions ran through my head as I bounced my leg

* After school *

As soon as the bell rang I walked to my locker and shoved everything in my bag quickly and took a deep breath before walking outside onto the football field as I saw Eddie walking towards me

"Hey Y/N" Eddie said as he smiled at me "Hey Eddie" I smiled back "so I wanted to show you something" he said as he grabbed my hand and we started walking in the woods "your not going to murder me are you?" I asked jokingly

"No of course not!" He said while laughing and we stopped walking when we reached a bench in the middle of the woods "nobody ever comes out here" Eddie said as he sat down on the bench "so what do you think?" I looked around for a minute "it's actually really pretty" I said "why did you show me this place?" I asked Eddie while sitting on the opposite side from him

"Well" he said as he stood up and sat next to me "I wanted to ask you something important" he asked as he grabbed my hand

I started at him for a moment "well what did you want to ask?" My heart began to race, what did he want to ask? I kept thinking and he interrupted my thoughts saying " you like me?" I stared at him and my face felt a little hot

I smiled at him and scooted closer to him "yes I do, ever since I first saw you I realized I liked you.." I said as he put his hand on my face and smiled "is it okay if I.." I nodded and he smiled as he slowly started getting closer and closer to my face

He got close to my face and he kissed me, it felt so wonderful and then he pulled away after a few seconds, smiling and looking into my eyes "so.." I said "what are we? Are we dating?" His face lit up "I don't know, do you want us to be?" He asked as he took his hand away from my face "sure" and I kissed him again as I pulled away and smiled

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now