Chapter 31

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This chapter includes: cursing, describing broken bones, childhood trauma, bullying, smoking, and drinking

I was walking into school when I saw Eddie, I smiled and sighed as I ran up to him "Eddie! Hi!" I said as I hugged him and he shoved me away "get away from me!" Eddie said as I fell on the floor "wh-what?" I stuttered as I stood up "I said get away! I don't love you! You're annoying and a cheater!" Eddie said as I felt my heart drop "what are you talking about Eddie? I'm your girlfriend!" I said to Eddie "Ex Girlfriend." He said and I started tearing up "Go away Y/n." Eddie said as he crossed his arms "I hate you." He said to me and tears fell down my face, but his eyes started turning white and his skin was turning a greyish-blue color, his voice was becoming distorted as he dropped his hands to his sides "I hate you." He said as I started backing away "I hate you." He kept repeating over and over again as I ran away from him crying, he kept yelling 'I hate you' and I bumped into Billy again

"Why are you sad princess?" Billy asked me while stroking some hair out of my face and he lifted my chin "GET AWAY!" I yelled and pushed myself out of his grip "why would I get away? I'm your boyfriend." He said as he grabbed my wrist "YOUR NOT MY BOYFRIEND" I yelled and tried pulling my arm out of his grip "LET GO OF ME!" I yelled and his face started turning that greyish-blue color with the white eyes and distorted voice "no." He said as he snapped my wrist, I yelled from the pain and looked at my arm, it was completely bent to one side and I cried "I'm sorry princess..did I hurt you?" Billy asked me as he started walking closer to me but I ran away crying and holding my arm "FUCK! FUCK!" I kept yelling as I bumped into Danny, I ran away again, I saw Billy, Danny, Jason, and Eddie walking closer to me as I got to my knees and cried "GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY!" I kept yelling and crying as I looked up again, it was that weird figure with the long left hand, but it was closer to me, I saw it had vines on its body which were moving and I bent back down crying

I woke up to Dustin shaking me "Y/N! Y/N!" Dustin yelled as I woke up, my heart was beating really quickly and I was sweating, my wrist felt very sore "ugh.." I said as my wrist cramped a little "holy shit, Y/n you scared the crap out of me! You would wake up for 5 minutes of me yelling and shaking you" Dustin said "but for some reason you looked calm, like your eyes were fluttering, as if you were waking up, I saw your eyes but they were white" Dustin said as I rubbed my wrist "well get up, we you gotta get ready for school" Dustin said as I was processing what Dustin just said as he left the room and shut the door "my eyes were white?" I said quietly as I got up and stretched

I picked out an outfit, a yellow t-shirt with white shorts, I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth, I went to the kitchen and I grabbed a granola bar, I wasn't hungry for some reason so I just ate it and put my shoes on "let's go Y/n!" Dustin yelled at the front door "okay okay!" I yelled back as I got my bookbag on and got the keys "also after school, tell mom I have work at Family Video" I said to Dustin as I started the car and Dustin got on his bike "okay?" he said and I started driving to school

I got to school and I parked, people were staring at me, of course but I've gotten used to it, at least there was no Olivia until tomorrow. I sighed and walked into school, people were calling me a slut and I saw Eddie at his locker "Eddie!" I said as I hugged him "Hey Sweetheart" he said as he hugged me back "also uh, I had another one of those nightmare things" I whispered "oh, you could tell me after school" he whispered back and I saw Jason was rubbing Chrissy Cunningham's shoulder, she was a cheerleader so I'm not surprised she ended up with Jason but thank god now he would stop trying to be my boyfriend "oh thank god" Eddie told me as he was also looking at the new couple. I got my stuff from my locker and shut it "let's see if I last the day" I said quietly and Eddie giggled, someone yelled 'SLUT!' from across the hall and Eddie gave them a death stare for a quick second "you will survive, trust me I'm not afraid to get expelled, I've been here long enough" Eddie said with a chuckle

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now