Chapter 23

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This chapter includes: cursing

I got to the hospital and went to the front desk "hi I would like to visit Edward Munson" I told the woman, it felt so weird saying his full name "he is in room 702" she told me in a plain voice and I walked to his room with the plushies "knock knock" I said as I opened him door and his face lit up, smiling "Good morning Y/N" Eddie said to me "Are you feeling better today?" I asked him "mhm, feeling a lot better but you know it still hurts a little" he told me and I sat next to him "what are those?" He asked me as I showed him the plushies "I got them custom made for us! I got a Mini me for you and a mini Eddie for me!" I told him as he smiled "awee, mini y/n is still as cute as the real y/n" Eddie told me as he held the plushie of me and I giggled "they are really cute, seriously" I told Eddie smiling and he chuckled, swinging the plush around a little "I'm Y/n! And I am the most beautiful girl in the world!" Eddie said, mimicking my voice and I laughed "and I'm Eddie! I love playing my guitar and im the most handsome man ever!" I said mimicking Eddie's voice, swaying the Eddie plush around and we both laughed

"Okay that was a little cringe" Eddie said, still laughing and my face felt hot from embarrassment "I know" I told him, still laughing "but your still cute" I told Eddie "thank you sweetheart" He said as I leaned closer to his face and gave him a quick kiss, he grinned and then we just chatted for a while, at around 1:00 his uncle came in "am I interrupting something?" Wayne asked and he bent down and joined our conversation. We talked for a long time, cracking jokes, laughing, talking about spring break coming up in almost 3 weeks, his nose would be better by then and we talked about what Eddie would do if he graduates

"If I graduate, somehow with a miracle, I'm gonna walk that stage.. look Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip the bird I'm snatch that diploma and I'm gonna run like hell out of there!" Eddie told us while laughing "no no Eddie, you aren't doing that" Wayne said with a smile and is index finger raised and we all laughed and we continued to talk for a few more hours "I gotta go kid..sorry" Wayne said getting up "it's 7:00, I gotta work at 8:00" Wayne said as he walked towards the door "I love you kid" Wayne said as he walked away "I love you too uncle.." Eddie said as Wayne walked away "I guess I could leave at 8:00, I don't want my mom to worry" I told Eddie "okay, same time or a little later?" Eddie asked me "how about at 10, this time, I was almost late today" I said laughing and we continued to talk until I saw the time "8:02.. I gotta go but I will see you tomorrow, 10 am sharp!" I told Eddie as I gave him a quick kiss and walked towards the door "goodnight! Love you!" I told Eddie as I started walking out

I started walking towards my car when I heard someone running towards me, I turned around quickly and I saw Danny running towards me "oh hey Danny wants up?" I asked as he stopped infront of me "hey Y/n" he said in between breaths "why were you running?" I asked him "well we haven't seen each other in a while" he said "we saw eachother on Thursday" I told him "I know but I've missed you so much..anyway who were you visiting?" He asked me "I was visiting Eddie, not so funny story but Billy, someone who liked me and forced me to go out on a date with him, saw me hanging out with Eddie and beat him up because he thought I was going to forget about our date but I never even wanted to go out on the date he literally fo-" I got cut off as Danny kissed me but I pulled away quickly "what the fuck Danny?!" I yelled as his face turned red "I'm sorry..I just really like you.." Danny said "you know I'm dating Eddie!" I said to him but he didn't respond so I just got into my car and drove away

'now another dude that likes me..great..I wonder if he is as crazy as Billy or Jason' I thought as I kept driving. I got to my house and saw my mom "hey honey, how was Eddie?" My mom asked me "he is better" I said sternly as I walked up to my room and closed the door. I walked to my closet and put on some pj's, I heard a knock at the door, it was mom "hey sweetie, are you okay? You sounded mad" she asked me "don't worry mom I'm fine!" I told her with a fake happy tone "okay..well goodnight" mom said "goodnight mom" I told her as I plopped on my bed and thought about Danny

'why..I just want normal, new friends! Steve is always working with Robin at Family Video and Nancy is looking for a collage with Jonathan so I have nobody to hang out with except Eddie, his friends and Dustin's friends! but Eddie's in the hospital and I don't really know his friends well! And Dustin's friends are weird' I thought as I kept tossing and turning 'why can't I fall asleep!?' I thought to myself, I calmed down, closing my eyes and I fell asleep

* The next morning *

I woke up at 7:36 and got up quickly, I got dressed in a white shirt and blue shorts, brushed my hair and teeth and I thought of what to give Eddie today..maybe just a nice card? Sure. I ran to the kitchen "good morning mom" I said as I popped some Eggo waffles into the toaster and my mom was pouring her coffee "good morning sweetie" my mom said, taking a sip of her coffee as I took the Eggos out and put some syrup on it, I ate the Eggos quick and grabbed my keys "Jeez kid, it's only 8:20! Relax!" My mom said to me "don't worry, I'm not spending all day with him, I'm coming home later, love you!" I told her as I ran out the door and started my car

I drove away to the store and picked out a card 'Get better soon!'  it said in big, bold letters in the front, I opened it 'I hope you get better soon! But look behind this card!' It said on the inside and I turned it around, it had a hand pointing to a blank space, I'm guessing you put money on there but I would do something else on there "just this please" I said as I pulled out some money and payed for the card. I signed it then I made a little 'coupon' saying 'One free kiss' with a heart and I laughed as I taped it to the back

I drove to the hospital and walked in "you again huh?" The lady said with a smile "and I know, room 702" I said as I kept walking to the room with the card "oh..its only 9:00" I said as I looked to the clock and I grinned "well I could surprise him" I said to myself as I walked to his room and quietly grabbed the handle, I opened the door quickly "Boo!" I said as Eddie's eyes grew wide "holy shit y/n you gave me a heart attack!" Eddie said as he held his chest "why are you so early? Did you miss me too much?" He asked with a grin "maybe, well I got you a card" I said smiling and he took the card "Get better soon" he read out loud "I hope you get better soon, look at the back of this card" he read out loud and my smile grew bigger as he flipped the card and grinned "I don't need a coupon for that when I already get them for free" Eddie said as he kissed me and I kissed him back, he pulled away after a few seconds and he grabbed the coupon "well here ya go sweetheart" he said as he gave me the coupon and we both smiled as I grabbed the coupon out of his hand

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now