Chapter 26

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This chapter includes: cursing

I cried on the floor, thinking about who could do this..and hopefully someone takes it down..I checked the time, it was only 1:15 so I just got myself some water and I wanted to grab a movie at Family Video before Dustin comes home, I grabbed one of Dustin's hats, walked outside into my car and drove to Family Video

"Oh hey Y/n, how could I help you?" Steve said as he leaned against the counter "uh I would like to find a comedy to watch" I told Steve in a low voice "okay..? Follow me" Steve said as he walked around the counter and led me towards the comedy section "here ya go, we got Back To The Future, Gremlins, Grease and so many more! It's your choice" Steve told me in a hyper voice and I giggled at his silliness and he looked at my hat "why are you wearing this hat? Bad hair day?" He said with a smile and I pushed him playfully "no, but I don't want anyone recognizing me, the rumor got out and apparently someone spied on us last night and saw you coming into my window so now I'm the slut that got trash dumped on her"  I said as I looked through the movies "hold on..someone threw garbage on you?" Steve said in a stern voice and I nodded "who was it, I bet it was-" Steve tried saying "- Olivia Colman, yep" I said with a forced smile "anyway, I would like this movie" I said as I gave Steve the movie

"Back To The Future? Good choice" he said as he walked over to the counter "and your all good, see ya Y/n" Steve said as he gave me the movie back "see ya Steve!" I said as I walked out and walked towards my car "gonna watch a movie gonna watch a movie" I kept mumbling to myself as I started driving away. I got to my house and put in the movie, I sat on the couch with my now, room temperature water and started watching the movie

"Gross! Isn't that his mom?!" I said as I took a sip of my water "waters empty" I said to myself as I got up and grabbed some more water, I walked back to my TV when I saw someone in my window and I dropped my water. I just stood there in shock as the person ran away from my window, I cleaned the water that I spilled and I called the police "911 is this an emergency?" A calm woman said in the phone "Hello?! I just saw someone staring at me from my window! I think they are stalking me!" I told the woman "okay ma'am, what's your name?" The woman asked me "Y/n Henderson" I replied "did you see what this person looked like Y/n?" The woman asked me "I don't know..I didn't get a good look at them but I saw something dark, like fluffy hair, it looked like dark fluffy hair" I told her, thinking about what this person looked like "okay ma'am, is there anything that stood out on this person?" The woman asked me "It was tan skin with dark fluffy hair..that's all I know I didn't see their eyes or anything, they ran off too quickly" I told the woman and I heard light typing "okay, great ma'am, do you know who might be stalking you or want to hurt you? Like an Enemy or Ex? Maybe even a friend that acts weird with you?" The woman asked me and I thought for a moment 'Jason has blonde hair, Billy is in jail..Eddie is in the maybe..DANNY?' "I think I might have an idea.." I told the woman

"My friend Daniel, but people call him Danny, he was my friend for about a week when he kissed me even though he knew I had a boyfriend, I yelled at him for it and he was sorry about it but he has been acting weird he snuck into my window to tell me someone took a picture of my house and hung it up in school but he wasn't at school that day so I asked him why he didn't take down the picture and he said someone else told him, but everyone was still at school except for me because that day I already went to school but went home because I got trash dumped on me" I kept telling the story to the woman and I heard typing in the background, she kept giving me mhm's and uh huh's every few seconds "That was alot of information, thank you ma'am, we will take care of this situation" the woman told me when I finished my story "Thank you so much" I told her "your welcome" she said and I hung up the phone, I sighed in relief, knowing they would take care of my stalker.

10 minutes later the police arrived and I told them everything I knew about Danny and how he liked me. After a few minutes of me talking to the officer I saw Dustin pull up and run into the house "Y/n what's going on?" Dustin said to me with confusion "I have a stalker and I think it's Danny" I told Dustin and his eyes grew wide "Danny? But he is so nice!" Dustin told me "but I saw his fluffy hair..I know it's him" I told Dustin and he just walked into his room

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