Chapter 17

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This chapter includes: cursing

I ran down the halls with tears falling down my face trying to find Eddie but I didn't see him, so I just went to my next class and I wiped my tears away "Your 15 minutes late Y/N" my history teacher told me, not even taking a second look at me and I sat down, I saw some of Jason's friends looking at me but at least Danny was behind me

After class was over I continued looking for Eddie, but as I was walking I heard someone crying in the Janitors closet, I opened the door and saw Eddie sitting down with his head in his knees with some bruises and a bloody nose "oh my God Eddie! Are you okay?" I asked him as I bent down, getting a better look at his injuries "o-oh Y/N! I'm fine Sweetheart..don't worry about me!" Eddie told me as he wiped his tears

"No Eddie you're not fine, what happened?! Who did this?!" I asked Eddie "Well..Billy and Jason..they did this.." Eddie said in a low, shaky voice "They both did this..?" I said with slight anger and sadness in my voice and Eddie slowly nodded "we have to go to the nurse! Come on, let's go.." I told Eddie as I stood up and Eddie did the same "Just..don't tell anyone how I got hurt.." Eddie said, keeping his head low "what? Why would we not tell anyone about this? They hurt you!" I told Eddie

"They said if anyone knew about what they did to me they would hurt you too.." I stared at him "but..didn't they both love me..? Billy asked me out on a date! And Jason still thinks I'm his girlfriend! Billy even forced me to go out on a date..!" I realized what I said and Eddie started at me "He..forced you on a date..?" He asked me "yes..I didn't want to go..but he.." I said, starting to tear up but Eddie bent down to my level "what did he do.." Eddie asked in a serious tone

"He kept kissing me until I agreed.." I started to cry and I saw in Eddie's eyes he was going to kill Billy and I wiped my tears as we walked out of the closet "Did the freak and the slut enjoy their make out session?" We heard one of Jason's friends say loudly "Shut the FUCK UP" Eddie said loudly "Mind your own business asshole!" I said loudly and I grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him to the Nurses office

"Oh my, he looks really hurt! Come here, have a seat" the nurse told Eddie as she dragged Eddie to one of the beds "you sit tight as I grab an ice pack and some tissues" the nurse said as I took a seat next to Eddie, we were both silent as the nurse came back and handed Eddie a tissue for his nose and she put an ice pack on one of his bruises "Thank you" Eddie said to the nurse "your welcome" the nurse said as she walked away "I' sorry this happened to you..did they even give you a reason why the beat you up..?" I said in a quiet voice so the nurse would hear me

"They basically said to stay away from you.." Eddie said quietly and I still didn't say anything..I felt sad but I felt my blood boil thinking about what they did to Eddie just because of was my fault..maybe I should just stay away from him..he would be safer that way..but you love him! You don't want him to be hurt!

I kept sitting there in silence while holding Eddie's hand while his other hand held the icepack on his bruises..I felt so bad for him..he got beat up because of me..

* After school *

We both walked out of the school, I was looking around seeing if Billy or Jason or Jason's friends were staring at us but they weren't, thank God..

We got to Eddie's Van and we both sat down in silence.."I'm so sorry for what happened.." I said breaking the silence as I started tearing up but Eddie put his hand on my shoulder "Sweetheart..this is not your fault.." Eddie said trying to comfort me "No Eddie, it is my fault..if Jason and Billy didn't like me then you wouldn't have gotten beaten up!" I said while a few tears fell down my face "Sweetheart..what they feel, you can't control, you can't control that they like you!" Eddie said to me

I didn't know what to say after that, it was just awkward silence "'s hard not to love someone as beautiful and smart and caring as you!" Eddie said to me, smiling and I just smiled back and we started driving back to my house "Hey, why don't we have a sleepover at my house?" I said to Eddie and his eyes lit up "ofcourse! I just have to call my uncle first" Eddie said quickly and his voice sounded excited and we got to my house, as soon as we walked into my house his eyes went wide and he looked around, looking amazed

"Oh my God..I've dropped off your brother before but I've never came inside! Your place is beautiful!" Eddie said, continuing to look around and he started walking towards the phone and started tapping some buttons "Hey it's Eddie, do you mind if I stood at a friend's house tonight?" I heard someone talking in the phone and Eddie smiled "Thank you!" Then he hung up "well I'm allowed to stay! But what about your parents?" Eddie asked me "Even though you never met, once my mom sees the bond you and Dustin have she won't care" I said to Eddie and he grinned "so, where's your brothers room?" Eddie asked me with a huge grin, I knew he was probably going to scare Dustin so I smiled "you see this hall? Just walk all the way down and turn right" I told Eddie

"So, do you have any Halloween masks?" Eddie said, still with a huge grin, I nodded then I threw him a zombie mask "Thanks" he said as he threw the mask on his face and started tip-toeing to Dustins room

*Eddie POV*

I started tip-toeing towards Dustin's room and I slowly turned the knob and I slammed the door open "RAHHH!" I said as Dustin screamed and I took my mask off "HOLY SHIT EDDIE! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!" Dustin said as he fell back into his bed as I started laughing and I heard Y/N laughing too as she started walking down the hall


"You guys are such weridos" I said while laughing "wait why is Eddie here anyway?" Dustin asked me "surprise little Henderson! I'm staying over!" Eddie said opening his arms and Dustin's eyes lit up "oh my God! That's cool! But I swear, don't touch my sister!" Dustin said and I felt my face heat up "don't worry little Henderson..or do.." Eddie said but whispered the last part "Excuse me?" Dustin said and Eddie grinned at me while I was still red

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now