Chapter 12

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This chapter includes: cursing

After school I saw someone coming up to me, he was tall with curly light brown hair and he died out a cigarette "Hey beautiful, my name's Billy Hargrove, what's your name?" He told me "uh, I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" I replied "I was thinking maybe we could go grab some dinner later?" He asked me as he smiled getting closer towards me "no thank you, I'm good" I told him and his smile faded "well one dinner won't hurt, come on princess" he told me and I tried walking away to my car but he just followed me

I got to my car but Billy caught up to me "Princess, one dinner" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me in closer to him "let go of me Billy" I told him strictly "oh someone's got a little attitude, I love that" he said as he bent down so we are face to face "one date?" He asked again "no! I'm not going on a date with you!" I yelled "is everything okay here sweetheart?" I heard Eddie say behind Billy

Billy turned around "who are you?" Billy asked, still holding onto me "I'm Eddie, Y/n's boyfriend" he told Billy as he stared at him angrily. Billy held my waist and pulled me closer towards him "can you let me go?" I told him "well why? So you could go with your freak boyfriend? Date me instead princess" he said as he rubbed his hand on my cheek and I slapped his hand away and tried pushing him off me while Eddie got closer to him "Don't touch my girlfriend." Eddie told him

"Or what? You're too of a pussy to hurt me anyway" Billy said teasingly to Eddie while still holding on to me by the waist. I got out of his grip and ran towards Eddie. Billy rolled his eyes as he stopped by my ear "you will fall for me princess" he whispered into my ear then he walked away and I hugged Eddie tight "oh god first Jason and now Billy, you have to be kidding me" I said as I buried my face into his chest "let's just go home Y/N" Eddie said to me

Before we got into his van I got a glance of someone in a dark green vest leaning against a tree "oh shit" I said to myself "what's wrong?" Eddie asked me "Jason, he saw us together" I told him and Eddie put his head on the wheel "shit" he said as I put my hand through my hair

"I Will Always Protect You.. Sweetheart" Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now