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A/N: Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to Mereeples, Minniejay86, moondragonfire2001, CasualMacaqueS1mp, cappy654887, simpin_aint_pimpin, arosemagicwriter, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^


After a minor panic attack, you managed to guide your 'champion' to your place, doing so mostly with your eyes closed and your face buried in his blue scarf. Cause you really didn't want to know exactly how high up you were.

You noticed that the Knight held a faint smell of peaches.

"We are here, My Lady" The Knight informed you.

You lift up your head to look around, finding that the Monkey Knight was indeed standing on the balcony of your apartment. "Yep, this is the place" you confirm, "Can you let me down?"

The Monkey gently placed you down onto your feet, you holding onto his arm as your legs still felt shaky from being up so high with only the faith that this strange knight wouldn't drop you.

"Thanks," you say with a slight smile, as you move to open your patio door, you mostly left the door unlocked. Purely because you were on the 8th floor out of 14 and had little worry that someone would break in using that method.

You took your shoes and jacket off as you make your way to the other side of your bachelor's suite where your coat closet was.

It wasn't a large place, 400 square feet at most, the bathroom the only place that had a separate room, but the space felt good for just you. Plus it had felt spacious after spending a few weeks at motels before discovering this apartment.

Another bonus is you were paying way less in rent compared to the amount you used to pay when lived with your now ex-boyfriend and best friend. Looking back you paid for most of the rent because you got paid way better than the other two, and you had agreed thinking it was fair... Damn you had been so naive and desperate to keep them happy, it only fuelled you with anger now.

"My Lady, are you alright?" The Knight asked, sounding quite a distance away.

You pause mid-way through closing the closet door and look back at the monkey in blue still standing out on the balcony. The thunder and lightning had stopped but the rain was still pouring down.

"Yes, Sorry, Please come in just take off your shoes first please" you requested, the Knight's shoes seeming to disappear as he took his first steps into your home. You taking note of how monkey-like even his feet were.

You quickly make your way to the bathroom and grab a few towels, offering them to the Knight. "Here, use these to dry yourself off" you offered.

"Thank you, My Lady" the Monkey's monotone voice replied taking the towels and using them to dry his armour first.

"...Please stop calling me that" you shyly ask.

The Monkey blinked at you midway through drying his fur. "Very well, My Mistress" he replied.

You blush in a mix of embarrassment and resentment, the title only making you think of cheaters right now. "No..." You groan.

"How about we just call each other by our names?" You suggested introducing your name before gesturing for him to introduce his own name in return.

"I can't do that" he replied calmly "it would be disrespectful as your Champion to call you by an improper title, My Master."

"No definitely not that one" now you felt like he was your servant or slave. "Just go back to calling me, your Lady" you requested with a sigh, not sure it was really worth arguing with... Whatever this Monkey was.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now