War Chief Vs Rouge

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to MehkiaStrong, Kiron_Strife, SisterBear_WP, arosemagicwriter, South2457, moondragonfire2001, PoisonousPeach, Tasukina_moon, Toxic-Awsomness, SooMoonchi, Queen_beryllium126, makoshark1, CrystalGemGirl18, BrightRemorse/SugarRushReads, hiimjustacommenter0, Fangirl_332, Minniejay86, MINTKITTY0, SuperHedgehogirls, Psycho_Bacon31, Enri_Ackerman, Jasminearce03, Katelyntrashy56789, foxy_chilling, FnafGirl092407, Beiirss24, gamergirl1807, Grovyle202, Akamaru_222, jelly_moondog, EeveeDreamer, Lithum_234, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

This chapter has a lot of references to the pervious chapter so same warnings as last time.

Chapter Warning:
Attempted Rape
Domestic Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Physical Abuse
Self Harm (kind of)

I'm still trying to get the hang of writing combat so any tips are greatly appreciated!


Macaque did his best not to draw any attention to himself or his entrapment, as the Mayor's remained concentrated on manipulating your ex-boyfriend.

Using a sharp rock, the shadow demon carefully had his tail scratched new lines along the runes that magically kept him in the cage; working to change the rune's shape and lines so he could change the spell's intended purpose.

The Rouge doing his best to try and stay focused but the mix of listening to the Not Mayor coach your ex-boyfriend into 'seducing' you, accompanied by your spikes of anger mingling with his own, broke his focus several times.

"Hmmm seems your Lady has a much more level head than her monkey servants and is trying not to retaliate." the undead man pouted shaking his head "hmmm guess I'll have to step in and ensure a battle will start~ I wonder which one will have destinies favour and which will become a pool of dire despair." The man chuckled making the blue collar around your neck glow in preparation for his mentally manipulate you.

Macaque scratched the last line into the engraved rune and mixed his magic with it, causing the cage around him to fall apart before shooting the parts out towards the undead man.

The Not Mayor just barely able to dodge Macaque's initial attack, preventing the crazed man from speaking a word to you.

"Should have known you were being too compliant even with all your growling and grumbling." The ex-general droned.

"I'm not the type that likes to be bound" Macaque replied, summoning several shadow clones as he eyed the glowing bone in the mayor's hand.

That thing seemed to have some kind of control over the bone spirit candidates. Which didn't bode well for someone like Macaque who could be controlled by a 'candidate'. At the very least, if the shadow monkey could get his hands on it he might be able to stop whatever grand plan the crazy man had in store.

"You don't like to be bound?" The man chuckled, "Strange, consider your true desire says otherwise" the Not Mayor said, kicking one shadow that tried to attack him, before grabbing and slamming another to the ground that went after his 'blind' spot.

It was easy to forget in these modern times that the gray-haired man was once a war chief and general, the undead man having earned those titles through combat.

"Like you know anything about what I want" Macaque sneered, analyzing the way the Mayor fought as the demon sent more of his shadows out towards the crazy man. Trying to find a way to get that damn, stupid bone out of the Ex-General's hands.

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