Noodles, Plant Traps, and A New Power?!

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to SuperNinjaDragon7, _YunaSenpai_, KimAce_Coffee, Void_Child, giorno_dreamboi, Morrogreen103, 1Simplylife1, RandomReader14_14, Animefan67, Master_Radd28, Toxic-Awsomness, YNmeww, Who_dis_S_L_U_F, LizOk_cherry_pie, Crescent_Paradise, MiaoCiaoXiao, Imsoflabbergasted, AngelRosePhoenix, Monea150, Sleepy_Space01, SPR3GH4T, foxy_chilling, Lavender_Kaen, FrizzyDin0, J3ll0isb3tt3r, Sni-ckers, Greenrose1107, Minniejay86, RhaiiSawaqiz, -dark-phantom-, Kodkedi, LizOk_cherry_pie, HappyDance2023, Shootingstar842, Ninjago_LmkLove, EMUMUBELOVED, Zhong-Shu, cthulhuchan, calxmity-, KeybladeMaster713, Lianfina123, KimikoWasSummon, Ursingle, Kosetsu_Frosty, CJisMEH, dynah-williams, Greenrose1107, 1amnotduck, Mythicaldragonl, BluePhoenixRisesAsh, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

A/N: I did so much research on gold vision, both how it's portrayed in Monkie Kid and how it's used in Journey To The West, and how in JTTW there are several times where gold vision didn't work on a demon or what not!?! Which yeah now that I think about it the time Wukong used gold vision on Macaque disguised as MK, gold vision only took away the MK glamour Macaque had on, but didn't show what Macaque really looks like? No six ears, no scare (which we saw early in the same ep)? But why? why wouldn't gold vision see Macaque's true self?!?!

I couldn't find anything that solidly stated 'This Is How Gold-Vision Canon Logically Works.' So later in this chapter you will see my best theory in regards to how I think Gold-Vision functions in Monkie Kid and the reason why it may not work all the time or may only see past one layer of glamor.


"Tsk, Tsk, leaving one's Laundry out and about in front of guests, such bad host etiquette." Macaque mockingly scolded, with an exaggerated head shake of disappointment. "Does this mean I should call you Lady Laundry instead?" He asked with another snicker.

You replied by tossing the nearest pillow directly at Macaque's face, the mixed fur monkey using his tail to catch the plush projectile with ease. "MK what flavour of Noodles do you want!?" You loudly questioned, trying to quickly move past the awkward moment.

Luckily the group didn't linger on the moment for long, though Red and MK shot both you and Macaque several curious looks.

As far as the last three bowls of the noodles went, MK took the last sweet noodles, Red took the second spicy noodles, and you took the last savoury noodles.

Upon Red's question on if you had any seats, Moon kindly provided everyone with chairs; via his hair magic.

You set the chairs in a circle, Macaque on your right, Moon on your left. Samadhi sat next to Moon having no problem sitting next to the knight... unlike the two Princes. Red took the seat next to her and MK took the seat between the Bull Prince and the Shadow User. It was cozy with the six of you, and even though you had no table it was comfortable enough while you all enjoyed your noodles.

Macaque was the first to speak up, having finished his noodles first dropping the bowl into the abyss of his shadow. "Just so you know," he began, lightly poking at your leg to get your attention as you happily ate the delicious savoury noodles. "I gave the trio a summary of what's happened to you in the past few days, or at least the stuff that I'm AWARE of" he provided.

You felt the 'I'm aware of' part was a jab at you for not telling him about Liu'er... And now that you thought about it you hadn't really told Macaque about the vision you shared with MK, so maybe you did deserve that jab... a little bit... Add that to the things you needed to tell Macaque about.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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