Drunk Monkey Knight Cuddles

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to Katelyntrashy56789, SisterBear_WP, PoisonousPeach, Lithum_234, South2457, Mystical-Beasts03, Unnah009, BrightRemorse/SugarRushReads, Psycho_Bacon31, Minniejay86, Beiirss24, SuperHedgehogirls, IcySoul2002, makoshark1, Akamaru_222, gamergirl1807, Grovyle202, Aries_Nee, EeveeDreamer, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

Chapter Warning:
Domestic Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Physical Abuse 


You were currently sitting on Moon's criss-cross lap, your body shaking as you started coming down from your adrenaline rush. Your Knight had his arms wrapped around your waist and nuzzled... well anything he could reach; the side of your head, your shoulders, neck, cheeks, any part of you he could reach without letting go of you.

You didn't even attempt to stop Moon, as physical affection helped to keep you grounded and assure your senses that you were really safe.

After Macaque had returned with your work bag, the demon eyed you and Moon for a moment before he sat down in front of you two.

"Pretty sure I got everything, Mooncake" The Rouge sighed, you had a feeling the demon gave you that nickname purely because of Moon cuddling you.

Macaque crossed one leg as he stretched the other out towards you, his foot lightly pressing flat against yours. The demon didn't dare get any closer, not wanting to be dragged into the drunk King's cuddles again.

Thanks to the forced group hug earlier, Macaque had discovered that his physically bruised and magically aching body felt better as long as he stayed close to you. The shadow demon wondered if your super self-healing spread to him and Wukong as long you were close enough to them, or something like that... But the demon was far too tired to figure out the why behind it right now.

All three of you were sitting on the floor... purely because you didn't have a couch, but that was a worry for another day.

You and Macaque talked about what had transpired since you two had parted. Macaque's and your foot, lazily tapping and pushing against one another as you two debriefed.

The Rouge had begun by giving a general summary of his night, about locating the man that had given you (and John) powers. How the shadow monkey didn't anticipate the man to be so strong since his lady; the previous Lady Bone Demon, was long gone, but it seemed the old war chief still housed a considerable amount of power.

"I wonder why he doesn't just become the next White Bone Spirit." You pondered out loud, making Macaque pause in his story.

"What do you mean?" the shadow monkey asked.

"Well if he's so strong why doesn't this old war chief just become the next Bone-Spirit-Demon-thing himself? That way he could continue his Lady's work himself... Why go through all the trouble of forcing Bone spirit powers onto a bunch of different people?" You wondered, tracing your fingers over the back of Moon's sleeve the fabric feeling off, but you really couldn't find the will to care about something so minor.

Macaque crossed his arms frowning in thought, as his tail anxiously tapped against the floor. "Why didn't he do that?" the demon muttered, "if his end goal was just to have a Lady Bone Demon successor, then why didn't he take up the mantle himself?"

"Because beee deevoted to someone worthy is very fluf filling~" Moon hiccuped and slurred into the conversation, as he nuzzled his face into your hair. "Like owr wonderful M'Lady"

"That's Sweet Moon," You smiled, reaching back to gently ruffle the hair on your drunk knight's head; giving him a small thanks for the compliment. The pets cause the monkey in blue to make a few cute little chirps. Moon's fur didn't feel as soft as it should, but you chopped that up to rubble dust still lingering in his hair.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now