Your Rouge Appears

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Warning Chapter Contains:
Self Harm
Underage Drug Use
Child Abuse 

Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to Katelyntrashy56789, cappy654887, Mereeples, moondragonfire2001, AnimeGirl4life93, IcySoul2002, simpin_aint_pimpin, Minniejay86, CrystalGemGirl18, Hexologh, Fabienne_Robotnik, ayatos_bluehairpubes. South2457, sandi222, arosemagicwriter, Mri_36, Fangirl_332, BrightRemorse, SisterBear_WP, foxy_chilling for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^


Despite your best efforts, you didn't sleep well, you were so tired yet your brain refused to rest.

It wasn't because of the daylight, as you've long since gotten used to sleeping during the day, yet you found yourself drifting between light sleep and half-awake states.

You glance at the clock, it was still several hours before you usually got ready for work... Instead of fighting to sleep, you choose to get up and prepare your breakfast, and maybe do a few chores.

You chop up various veggies to put into your omelette. Your mind still replaying the night before, your brain caught somewhere between convincing yourself it was all a dream and figuring out why this was happening!

You hiss as you prick your finger by accident against the blade, blood bubbling up but by the time you rushed to the sink to rinse the blood off, your finger was perfectly fine...

You think over how your hand had 'magically' healed after being cut by the pen the night before... How that same hand had glowed when you wished for a rogue. A rogue that luckily never showed up.

But that strange delivery driver was high on your suspicion list. Since Moon didn't seem to know what was going on, the driver might be your best chance to get some answers. Maybe you could ask Benny what he knew about the guy during the next delivery.

You glance over at your set of knives magnetized to the wall, maybe it was better to do a small test before you got ahead of yourself. You gaze over the blades of each knife taking the sharpest one with your dominant hand. You turn the blade to make sure it's clean before you look down at the back of your other arm.

You needed to know for sure.

You take a deep breath and hold it. Carefully you push the blade hard enough to break the skin, whimpering as you drew the blade over the back of your forearm producing a cut half the length of your hand. You make sure blood was oozing out of the thin cut before pulling the blade away.

A faded blue light danced over the cut as it healed. You run some water over your arm, washing off the blood. Revealing your arm was truly healed, no evidence of the cut whatsoever.

Whatever kind of power was forced onto you it included super self-healing. Along with the ability to summon a knight, or a champion as he called himself.

This was not a dream...

You turn your attention back to making your breakfast, and eating it, thinking over simpler things to distract yourself from the reality-shifting discovery... Choosing to focus on what to make for lunch. Moon had said he would return to you when the sun sets so did that mean Moon would show up without you needing to call for him?

Either way, you should probably make some lunch for him as well. You had some fruit, and if you recalled right Monkeys also ate nuts, maybe make some boiled eggs as well? Chopping everything up and putting them into separate containers would probably be your best bet so you could figure out what he liked and what he avoided.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now