Rouge Meets Ninja

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to jkchristian, Starligt_galaxy, Queen_beryllium126, Creepypasta_Beloved, SPR3GH4T, Talia-Luvs-Bonno, Sleepy_Space01, DragonessFire, AliceKirklandJones4, cthulhuchan, KimAce_Coffee, Rainy_RiuChan, ash_asu_, Rainy_RiuChan, FnafGirl092407, flares01, CharaKiller113, _YunaSenpai_, NicoleOsma940, Chocco_MilkCake, Chevalier_de_la_lune, Miya-chan14, ElizabethOrellana304, giorno_dreamboi, FrizzyDin0, DulceKetsueki, blueberrycookie3, BeybladeGod, -ANTIFLIMSY, Beiirss24, WOWitsSOFIA, EeveeDreamer, LiteralAwkwardSimp, AkemishimizuCHAN, The_Forgotten_0ne, AdoreGlam, Sunnysmiles03, Minniejay86, I_need_a_life2, papillon_mysterieux, Ghostie_The_Ghost, Enri_Ackerman, CrystalPrime505, SuperHedgehogirls, Sni-ckers, RhaiiSawaqiz, Toxic-Awsomness, IcySoul2002, the_big_nerd, EMUMUBELOVED, 2targaz3r, Destagen, foxy_chilling, a-literal-person, Dommymommie, Dynah-williams, DefinitelyHiuman, altheay00t, Joy-Kitty, sugarhigh_mf, UrGorlDia, sunwukongsimp4EVER, Jasminbahtiarova, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

A/N: Congrats to everyone that has survived Final Exams/ Final Semester Projects! Now onto the Story. =3


MK sat with Red Son at a small table, both their jackets hung over the mismatched chairs they sat on. The brunette took large gulps out of his cup filled with coffee that had nearly been drowned with sugar, while the redhead sipped on his own coffee which had a mix of cream and cinnamon. Both appeared tried but equally unwilling to allow sleep to take hold of them anytime soon.

As Liu'er looked around the room, the place appeared equal parts kitchen and alchemy lab.

Possessed Mei sitting on a chair off to the side of said room, using a cloth from one of the alchemy tables to polish her trusty blade. The Sword's Woman is the only one of the trio appearing perky and full of energy.

"Alright, tell me everything you saw in your vision." Red Son instructed, putting down his drink to pick up a pen and flipping to a blank page in a journal he had brought into the room with him.

Liu'er watches and listens from within the shadows, making mental notes of the smallest details as MK tells Red Son about the vision he had when he made contact with you. The Ninja hadn't gotten any details about the vision you saw, so hearing the delivery boy go into detail was quite informative for the shadow monkey.

The Bull Prince frowned thoughtfully as he jotted down notes about the brunette's vision. Asking questions here and there, seeking as much detail as possible. Shifting to a different shadow, the ninja got a better look at the redhead's general notes.

When MK Saw the Vision:

Touched the woman he was delivering noodles to.

Summary of Vision:

A woman wearing 'really old style looking robes' stands upon a tower of crystals, a big bright Moon shining behind/over her head.

Subject of Vision

- Female

- Possible 7th century inspired Robes ~ too many modern twists to originate from that time, so unlikely the woman is from the past, nor does the vision seem to take place in the past.

- Who is she? ~ Mei's other side in different clothes? ~ Female Human, MK encountered when he got the vision?

Time Vision Took Place:


-Full or near full Moon ~ research upcoming moon cycles and those that can control Moon cycles.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now