Green With Anxiety

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to SkylitMills, LiteralAwkwardSimp, Ash_asu_, jkchristian, _YunaSenpai_, RhaiiSawaqiz, I_need_a_life2, Unnah009, FrizzyDin0, giorno_dreamboi, PoisonousPeach, NicoleOsma940, JhenifferBarbosa6, Beiirss24, Starligt_galaxy, SteviCritter, sugarhigh_mf, Sni-ckers, SPR3GH4T, DulceKetsueki, Kiolll_nyxzzz, _Ice_Cream_Girl_, Toxic-Awsomness, FnafGirl092407, Lisa-09, L30caria, DefinitelyHiuman, Cawf33Bluues, Minniejay86, supernova7191, cthulhuchan, Greenrose1107, Meh2meh, DragonessFire, Kosetsu_Frosty, 2targaz3r, a-literal-person, Chevalier_de_la_lune, Kutsueke_Sasha12908, EMUMUBELOVED, Aries_Nee, foxy_chilling, Imnotevenhere98, Creepypasta_Beloved, sunwukongsimp4EVER, altheay00t, Destagen, Macaquepuppet, EeveeDreamer, justfornothin, Amari15Masayoshi, LEVIS_WOMEN, EchoWyld, BlahajBlaster, Luceiiy for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

A/N: Hi all sorry for the delay in posting, I've been traveling nearly non-stop since the last chapter post. So I've been writing and editing this chapter on my Ipad and phone every chance I got. But without a proper set up (and steady internet) it's been a bit of a struggle.

I have learned the hard way that Grammarly is pretty trashy without a steady internet connection... @-@

Anyways, Thanks for all your patience and I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Chapter Warning:
Accidental Self-Harm

Moon was struggling to keep the dragon girl's relentless attacks at bay, only using his feet and hands against her sword, doing his best not to bring any major harm that could lead to the woman's death. Too bad the same could not be said for his opponent. The Sword's Woman attacks were relentless, they oddly held no malice. She fought with earnest intent to defeat him, but there was a glint of enjoyment and thrill shining in her eyes with each blow.

Thankfully he had your healing powers to repair his injuries and make any burns disappear just as quickly as they formed. The Knight did his best to combat with the warrior while holding back enough to make sure none of his blows could kill her. The Sword-Woman was an excellent fighter, figuring out more and more of Moon's moves and how to work around them. Which meant the longer they fought, the more advantage the women in orange would have over him.

Possessed Mei came at the Monkey in Blue with another fire-infused attack. Moon counters her attack, using both his hands to grab the flat sides of her sword, halting her weapon. Your powers healing any burns on his hands. Too bad he did just as the sword's woman wanted... With her blade occupying both his hands, she was able to flip over the knight's head all while keeping a hold of her blade and harshly kicked him in the back, fire exploding outwards upon impact sending the knight hurling and crashing to the ground.

Moon coughed and hissed as he pulled himself out of the crater in the ground. Both his blue cape and robes along his back had burned away revealing white fur that centered at his spine and spread out over most of his back.

He could hear the Sword's Woman coming after him again, but before the knight could fully get back onto his feet to defend himself, he was suddenly swallowed by a shadow portal and plunged into a realm of darkness.

"Hello, Partner~" echoed a voice around Moon that sounded so much like Macaque's but the tone of voice didn't quite fit; it was far too joyous sounding.

From within the floating dark realm, a pure white-furred monkey with six glowing ears appeared. He wore a blue and silver form-fitting garment and a long blue scarf. He had a scar over his right eye and his left eye had the same blue glow to it as Moon's own eyes. The white-furred monkey reached through the veil of shadows towards the knight grabbing both of his hands.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now