Drunk, Tired and Traumatized

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to South2457, hiimjustacommenter0, Akamaru_222, Jasminearce03, Dianawolf61, cappy654887, Midnight-SpiritCAT, BrightRemorse/SugarRushReads, moondragonfire2001, sesskagfan, makoshark1, PoisonousPeach, IcySoul2002, Grovyle202, Minniejay86, Aries_Nee, Crystalivy90, EeveeDreamer, Gamergirl1807, Psycho_Becon31, Kiron_Strife, BeybladeGod, jelly_moondog, Agnomore, Katelyntrashy56789, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^


Your eyes were closed as Moon nuzzled the top of your head. Soon feeling something square in shape press against your cheek. You opened one eye to see Macaque's hand outstretched to your face, holding something that you couldn't quite see. You let in a small gasp, shivering as your senses finally registered the square thing against your skin was very chilly.

Moon paused in his nuzzling at your reaction, while Macaque smirked, the shadow monkey pulling his hand away from your cheek. Finally letting you spot the cube of ice in the demon's hand.

"I take it you felt that?" The Rouge asked.

"Yeah a little bit" you replied, grateful you were starting to be able to feel cold again, but still found it concerning it took so long for your body to detect something as cold as pure ice.

"Good, now..." The Demon held up a pair of your wireless gaming headphones; the white ones with glowing Cat ears, you noted. "I'm gonna need you to put these on and keep your eyes closed"

"...why?" you asked suspiciously.

"Cause if some of your other senses are taken away, it will make it easier for you to focus on your sense of touch," Macaque answered.

"And focusing on my sense of touch will help... Reboot my nervous system?" you questioned, trying to understand the shadow demon's method before you committed to being deafened and blinded around two super strong monkeys; that you were still getting to know.

"Yes, we're pretty much going to try and use physical stimulation to break that mental block in your head," Macaque answered.

You supposed that did make a type of sense to this bizarre situation. Choosing to place your faith in the rouge, you took your cat-themed headset from the shadow monkey.

"And I'm going to need you to tell Moon to listen to me and do whatever I ask him to do" The demon added.

"No" the Knight pouted holding you closer to himself.

"This will go faster with two pairs of hands" Macaque reasoned, feeling too drained to summon unnecessary shadow clones right now.

You thought over your next words carefully; you believed Macaque when it came to his method of regaining your senses of touch, but you didn't fully trust the shadow demon to not pull something while your eyes were closed. "Moon, don't do anything you're uncomfortable with, or think might be bad for me. Otherwise, if you can, please follow Macaque's lead." You requested.

"I will do as you rask may Lady" the drunk Monkey nodded.

"Thanks, Moon," you said with a smile, moving on the knight's lap so you were facing the shadow demon, your back facing Moon's chest. "Alright Macaque, what do you need me to do?"

"Three things," The rouge began, " one, focus on trying to feel everything and anything that touches you. Two, make sure your headphones stay on and your eyes stay closed, and three, tell us to stop if you don't like something or if anything becomes too much alright?"

"Okay" you nodded, those things were simple enough to handle, "is it possible for you to put some kind of blindfold over my eyes?" you requested.

"You sure you're okay with that?" Macaque questioned, surprised you would willingly give up your ability to open your eyes whenever you needed to or wished to.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now