Knight Meets Rouge

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to Katelyntrashy56789, CrystalGemGirl18, Dianawolf61, Aries_Nee, Mereeples, moondragonfire2001, Aries_Nee, AnimeGirl4life93, lumina_studia, Akamaru_222, gamergirl1807, makoshark1, Fangirl_332, South2457, Minniejay86, PoisonousPeach, FnafGirl092407, IcySoul2002, Grovyle202, SisterBear_WP, EeveeDreamer, simpin_aint_pimpin for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^


"How dare you harm our Lady" Moon growled out, turning his tail so the blade was pointing at Macaque.

"WAIT, MOON, STOP!" You cried out.

The knight's tail paused, the monkey in blue turning to look down at you, his head tilting to the side curiously.

"Is something the matter My Lady?" Moon asked calmly while Macaque helplessly struggled against the Knight's foot that still pinned him in place.

"You're forbidden from harming Macaque directly or indirectly!" You shouted in a slight panic, worried the shadow monkey might start suffocating.

Just like what had happened with Macaque in the alleyway. The Knight was like a puppet under the order, both his foot and knife-wielding tail were suddenly pulled away from the Rouge by an invisible force.

The command freed Macaque as the white and black furred demon fell onto his hands and knees, coughing and gasping for air.

"Down, Please, Down!" You ordered, wiggling in Moon's hold.

The Knight placed both his feet on the ground as he carefully put you onto your feet. You missing the way Moon frowned as you rushed to the other monkey's side.

"Macaque, are you okay?" You asked, bending down next to the shadow demon, rubbing his back as he took in air.

"I'm fine My Lady" Macaque replied, your hand freezing against his back, momentarily stunned that the rude rouge had suddenly started calling you by the same title Moon called you.

The shadow demon's gold and blue eyes looked up at you, seeming confused as you just stared down at him. Then what he had said suddenly hit him.

"...Did...Did I just call you, My Lady?" the rouge questioned as if trying to confirm those words really came out of his mouth.

"Yes... Yes, you did" You answered just as surprised as the demon. You wonder if whatever power that made the rouge's fur change colour also changed his demeanour?

Macaque suddenly recoiled away from your touch, his eyes mixed with fear and hate as he glared at you.

"Get Away From Me!" the rouge snapped, pressing his back firmly against your kitchen cabinets, the furthest he could possibly get from you at the moment.

You pulled yourself a little further away from Macaque, sliding yourself backwards till you bumped into something firm.

You jump slightly feeling a pair of arms protectively wrap around your shoulders. You gazed back at what you had bumped into, finding Moon had squatted behind you. His fur bristling, as he carefully held you against his armoured chest, the knight's glowing blue eyes narrowed in on the Rouge.

"Do not speak to our Lady in such an aggressive manner, Rouge" Moon told the other monkey, sounding cold and displeased.

It was kind of strange how Macaque was able to bring out the most emotions you had seen from Moon so far. Though all of them, are negative ones thus far.

"She's not Our- She's not My-" Each time Macaque tried to deny that you were his lady, his mouth seem to just stop working, causing the Rouge to growl in frustration.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now