Your Ex-Boyfriend Appears

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to Jasminearce03, EeveeDreamer, PoisonousPeach, makoshark1, moondragonfire2001, zeroPEACHES, fanficgirlqueen2, South2457, AnimeGirl4life93, sesskagfan, BodyInTheAttic, CasualMacaqueS1mp, arosemagicwriter, Aries_Nee, IcySoul2002, MINTKITTY0, omni_trash, Minniejay86, Katelyntrashy56789, Cok_Cot_Cho, gamergirl1807, BrightRemorse/SugarRushReads, foxy_chilling, Mri_36, cappy654887, SisterBear_WP, Grovyle202, FnafGirl092407, Akamaru_222, Toxic-Awsomness, Fangirl_332, Psycho_Bacon31, Beiirss24, Kiron_Strife, for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

Chapter Warning:
Attempted Rape
Domestic Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Physical Abuse
Self Harm (kind of)


The image in the crystal-like mirror showed a drunken young man around your age, stumbling down the streets of the city. The mirror revealed a pale yellow collar around his neck, with glowing yellow string tangled around it, leading downward and disappearing into his chest.

The broken bone piece glowed in the Mayor's hand making the yellow collar glow as well.

"Go and retrieve the one that rightfully belongs to you, that used to serve you so faithfully" the Mayor beckoned.

In the mirror, the young man's eyes glowed a pale yellow.

"I'm sure a few sweet words from someone as handsome as you will have her crawling back to you." The ghost-like man encouraged.

The drunk man stood up a little straighter or as straight as his drunken body could handle. A determined look shone in his eyes as he sloppily marched down the street.

"This is low even for you" Macaque growled out, using his tail to slowly scrap a sharp rock against the runes on the outside of the cage, disguising the noise of it with his voice. The Shadow demon had developed a mental image of the runes and was now working on altering said runes to get out and counter the magical trap.

"Perhaps... But If there's one thing that the student of Wukong's taught me; is that a true successor needs to go through many trails to unlock their potential." The immortal man cooly declared with a smirk "the more emotionally damaging the better" he snickered.


You told Moon to stay on the roof till you called him, this way you could make sure the coast was clear; and to make sure you were away from any cameras.

You leave your work bag with Moon since he insisted on carrying it for you, as you make your way down the stairs, being quick but not rushing like before as you clock out and lock up the store.

"Hey Buuueeeeatiful~," a male's voice said, sending a cold chill down your spine and setting off a painful burn in your chest.

You whip around to face the man standing several feet away, heavily leaning against the next building over. His cheeks were rosy shade as he displayed a crooked smile. Clearly, he drank too much, like he always did.

"Go away, John," you growled out, resisting the urge to look up and reassure yourself that Moon was still there. You didn't want your ex to learn about Moon, and cause you more trouble than he already had.

"Awe come on sugar tits, your not still mad are you? I swear I'm so sorry it won't happen again." John said making a loose criss-cross motion over his chest, that made you roll your eyes.

"The only thing your sorry about is that you got caught" you huffed out. Carefully you reached to find your bag hoping to grab something to protect yourself with... But your hand only met air, suddenly recalling you left your shoulder bag with Moon.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now