Caught Between A Ninja and a Knight

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Thanks to everyone that left a vote on the last chapter and special thanks to jkchristian,SixxEaredMacaque, GenocideSpirit, Beiirss24, Sleepy_Space01, Honest956, ash_asu_, SteviCritter, violet_the_deviant, _YunaSenpai_, SPR3GH4T, Animefan67, Amari15Masayoshi, Sni-ckers, SkylitMills, DemonicNekoMoon, notShortScaramouche, ManticCashew, cthulhuchan, DragonessFire, Toxic-Awsomness, Kalegoissocool, Rainy_RiuChan, DulceKetsueki, the_big_nerd, Starligt_galaxy, MIKA_THERIZZLER, Destagen, supernova7191, Batman_the_cutie, I_need_a_life2, Minniejay86, LiteralAwkwardSimp, AkemishimizuCHAN, The_Forgotten_0ne, AdoreGlam, Sunnysmiles03, Minniejay86, K1araB3l0v3d, deepfires, Cawf33Bluues, chaos-82, SugarRushReads, blueberrycookie3, Joy-Kitty, TheMultiVerseCreator, Ivylivesforstories, L30caria, foxy_chilling, PoisonousPeach, 2targaz3r, Heatrose, KylaGuinto753, HappyDance2023, Blissful_petal, eshleylola01, Luceiiy, Nameles3_, a-literal-person, MushroomFrog0_76, FangAndBubble, DragonflyLG, Zhong-Shu, justfornothin, Chocco_MilkCake, Chevalier_de_la_lune, snatcherisnowblue, Amari15Masayoshi, Blossom_dragon, berryninjago, Lavender_Kaen, Exu14nsis, anny_edward, HayleighBuzas, ItzCookieLuna0, Fanlady19845, rhaiisawaqizs, Ninjago_LmkLove, AngelRosePhoenix, KeybladeMaster713, calxmity-, Lavender_Kaen for leaving comments on the last chapter ^-^

A/N: Thank You all so much for your patience and support! Since summer I've been dealing with wildfire scares, soon fallowed by personal health struggles, so I haven't been in the best mental/creative state. But the rain has returned and my health is finally on the mend and I'm eager to get back into writing and drawing. =3

This chapter is shorter than I originally planned, but after the long wait since the last chapter I really wanted to get a chapter out as soon as possible ^-^


The veil of shadows faded away finding yourself, your Monkeys, along with MK and the fire duo in your small apartment. Luckily despite not having a door nothing appeared to be missing from your place, and it was only a little messy. So not overly bad for having some surprised guests to see.

"Well, I have some car fishing to do" Liu'er declared, his physical form falling into a shaded spot in your apartment. "See you all in a bit" his voice playfully echoed out.

MK caught Red Son lowly growling at the reminder of his car being at the bottom of the bay. The hero also noticed how Macaque seemed a bit more relaxed with his other side gone. The successor then looked over at Possessed Monkey King, who stuck unusually close to you, his tail remaining snuggly wrapped around your waist.

MK couldn't help but eye the way his possessed mentor behaved around you. It still unsettled him and freaked him out seeing Monkey King in his possessed form again but this was... different... Very different from when LBD had possessed him.

Earlier when the hero had flown back to the roof you and Macaque were on, he saw the last bit of Possessed Monkey King scolding you, and more surprisingly saw his possessed mentor showing emotions. This... 'Moon' as you called him, had feelings, spoke out his opinions, and could make choices on his own. Though at this moment he looked stoic and reserved, this version of Monkey King was much more than the empty puppet that LBD had turned him into before.

Kind of like how Possessed Mei was similar, but so different...

Both you and Moon glanced over at MK, feeling his eyes on the two of you, watching the delivery boy not so gracefully look away and pretending to be fascinated with your apartment. "Oh Wow your place is twice the size of mine" MK awed looking around.

"And four times cleaner" Red Son stated, the hero getting verbally banged over the head with the hard truth of that statement. The Bull Prince paid little attention to his companions' reaction, his gaze carefully scanning your place for any signs of traps or anything else that could pose a threat.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now