Your Knight Appears

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Rain falls down upon the sleeping city. Few souls awake during these late night hours.

A hooded man stands upon a high rooftop watching as a lone woman makes her way down the street. The woman uses her umbrella to protect herself from a small tidal wave of puddle water as one of the few cars on the street drives by.

The man looks down at his open hand. The broken bone in his hand glowed blue, twisting its shattered end towards the lone girl. The woman flicked her umbrella a few times before turning it to protect her from the raindrops again.

"So she's the one" he hummed, "doesn't appear to be much, but if she's the perfect keeper for my lady's powers, who am I to say otherwise." The man smirked, "hopefully this one won't break like the others."


You flick on the lights, the store slowly becoming illuminated. The allies upon allies of pet supplies, your steps echoing with each step as you made your way to the back of the store no human but you in the whole building.

Despite the ease of the job and how well it paid, it used to bother you how lonely the job was or how the night stocking job would put you out of sync with the rest of your friends and family. Now the job felt like a mini heaven, separating you from everyone and gifting you with alone time and allowing you to focus on something outside of your broken heart.

You clock in before making your way to the locker room, putting the bag of your belongings into your locker. Hanging your wet umbrella before, you put on your apron with a dozen pockets that held all the things you needed for your shift.

You put your phone on airplane mode before any more texts and phone calls filled with hair-thin defences, and empty apologies could be poured in. You find a playlist that fit your current mood, pull on your headphones and begin your to-do list.

With ease, you got yourself into a rhythm of checking storefront stock, checking the digital inventory, going into the back to grab more to place out front or forwarding a request for more of said item. The physical work mixed with the music helped to push away any unwanted thoughts; for the most part. Sometimes a song would pop on and you felt compelled to sing to it as the sensation felt cathartic, as you release your feelings out to the empty allies.

Hours ticked by lost in your work, as you triple check some stock, a song popped on that hit close to home, humming the first part before finding yourself singing to the lyrics.

"Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not~" you imagine the face of your boyfriend and your best friends, as they look so sympathetically towards you.

"Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught~" you sang with more bitterness than the song's singer held.

"But you put on quite a show~" You recall how grateful you once were that your boyfriend and best friend got along so well.

"Really had me goin'~" You had felt so lucky and loved there were problems that you probably ignored far too many times worried about upsetting one of them and losing that feeling of being needed and wanted.

"But now it's time to go~" Discovering your best friend and boyfriend had been sleeping together, the two none the wiser to your discovery. The very next day as they were both at work during the day, you packed up everything important to you and left, renting a motel room till you could find a place to rent.

"Curtain's finally closin'~" You had sent them both a text stating you moved out, and wishing them the best of luck in their new relationship, sending a sound clip of the two of them moaning out each other's names and the sound of the bed creaking in the background. To land the point home, hoping they would take the hint and you would never have to see them again.

Moon Knight and Sun King (Possessed Sun Wukong x (F) Reader)Where stories live. Discover now