Painful Love

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Waking up in tears, was something Zoe always did. She hated it so much. She hated the thought that things were never going to be the same anymore. She hated how her boyfriend just left her, with out even caring. Every night she had the same reoccurring dream. Although when she woke up crying and in a panic, she couldn't remember the dream. Because of this Zoe often went days without sleep for days. Some nights she would go out for a walk because it helped her think. What she didn't know was that this night was going to be different then any other.

Siting on her bed in tears, Zoe got up and pulled her dirty blonde her back into a ponytail and pulled on her shoes and coat and grabbed her keys. Closing the door to her house she locked it. Going on her walk she always did. She went the same way she always did. Which was just down around the block. Getting to one of the turns she sees a car across the way and doesn't think anything of it, but then she notices a tall man get out of the car and start to walk towards her. Zoe panicked. So she just kept walking until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jumping up she turned around to see the tall man. She asked in a shriek "What do you want!" The man looked at her "I didn't mean to scare you, I just noticed its getting dark and cold. I thought you might need a ride." Zoe said "Oh, well thanks for your concern but I'm fine." "Okay, if you were wondering. My names Ashley" "Hi Ashley, I'm Zoe." She didn't even bother to smile at him. While all Ashley did was smile at her. Before Zoe tried to walk away Ashley said "Here, please take my number, call me sometime" then handing her a piece of paper with a number scribbled on it. "Thanks" Zoe said and walked away from Ashley.

*Ashley's POV*

"What am I doing??" Ashley thought. "I must of scared her" sighing and walking back to his car he sat in his seat of the car and laid his head on the steering wheel and then all the memory's came rushing back to him. He hated how he had the "bad boy" reputation. Girls only wanted him for his looks. Not his love or his thoughts. He just wanted a girl to love him for him. Not his fame or his body.

*Zoe's POV*

"Ugh. Why am I still thinking about him." Zoe thought. "He was perfect" Zoe began to wonder if she should still call the number or not. Well sleep wasn't in Zoe's near future so she went to get her cell phone and dial Ashley's number. *ring**ring* "Hello?" Said a deep voice. "Is this Ashley?" " this is Andy. One sec. I'll get him." *mumbled noise* "hey Ash! There's a chick on the phone for you!"..."Hello!" Ashley said into the phone hoping it was Zoe. "Hi, Ashley this is Zoe." "How are you?" Ashley asked. "I'm..well..okay I guess" "why do you guess?" "I've been going through things. I don't think you should have to worry about."" Well, okay. Zoe? Why did you call?" "I called, because I couldn't stop thinking about you and in couldn't sleep"" you were thinking about me?" Ashley said smiling. "Yes..I was.." "Well do you want to come over?" Ashley asked. "Uh..sure. But wait Ashley. Who's Andy?" "Oh haha. He's my band member. I'm in a band." "Oh cool." "Do you want me to come get you? Or are you going to walk?" "I'll walk just tell me where you live"" The little blue house on the corner of the street you can't miss it." "Okay thanks"" See you later Zoe"" Bye Ashley".

Okay so guys tell me how you liked this story..I'm going to add on to it later!:) xox

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