Chapter two- This Doesn't Change A Thing

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Hanging up the phone Zoe went to go get ready to leave for Ashley's house. She pulled on a pair of jeans and her favorite shirt and then her shoes. Checking her phone "no new messages" no surprise there. She then left her house to leave for Ashley's.

Finally finding Ashley's house. She goes up and knocks on the door to Ashley's house. Then someone answers it. That someone takes Zoe's breath away. He's wearing shorts and he was showing off an amazing looking tattoo on his stomach. Not knowing she was staring at the tattoo. She is quickly taken out of her gaze by Ashley saying "you like what you see" and slightly laughing but keeping that grin on his face. "Oh, uhm yeah I guess I do" and for the first in a long time she smiled and it wasn't a fake one. "You have a pretty smile Zoe" "Thank you" Ashley then as Zoe come inside and sit down. Also inturducing her to the rest of the band. "Okay so Zoe, this is my band Black Veil Brides, over there is Andy, then Jinxx, CC and Jake." " Hi everyone" Zoe says. "Andy asks" how did you meet?" Ashley stares at Andy and says "Fate I guess" with a smile. Nervously laughing Zoe explains how it happened

and then Ashley asks Zoe "do you want to go out and have a bite to eat?" "Sure" Zoe said and then they both left. The rest of the band said goodbye to them both as they left.

Later at the restaurant Ashley and Zoe order and began to talk.

"So do you think you could tell me more about yourself?" Ashley asked. Zoe looked up from her drink and says "uh..sure, well I'm 24, I have no family, I do photography, also I just got out of a terrible relationship" "oh well sorry too hear that Zoe" "no it's okay I'm trying to get over it, now tell me about you" "okay, I'm 28, I play bass in my band, I have a killer tattoo that you've already seen, I also love to watch horror movies" smiling he glance up at Zoe and she's smiling. Zoe says "Sounds very interesting" just then waiter came and gave them their food. As they began to eat Zoe noticed one of her many bracelets on her wrist had moved and was reveling her fading scars. Quickly covering them back up she looked up only to see sadness in Ashley's eyes before he could say a word. Zoe burst into tears and ran to the bathroom.

Thinking to herself Zoe thought "the one guy who might actually like me knows. He knows that I have scars, and that I have issues. I bet now he doesn't even want to look at me anymore" she then sank the floor of the bathroom and buried her face in her hands and cried. There was a knock at the door and a familiar voice "Zoe, I know you're in there" "Go away!" Zoe said with tears running down her face. "We can talk about this. I would never judge you. I don't care if you had scars or not, Zoe I would still like you for you. I will never think of you differently." Standing up to open the door. Zoe was face to face with Ashley now. He looked at her and then all she did was wrap her arms around him and cry into his chest. Ashley wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Zoe" Ashley said "I will always be here for you. No matter what."

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