Chapter 3: Be Mine?

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Ashley pulled Zoe out of the hug and lifted up her chin and dried her tears. As he said "Zoe, there's something you should know" Still wiping her tears Zoe asked"What is it Ashley?"

"I you..and when you said you had just gotten out of a bad relationship. I didn't want to ask you to go out with me. I though you wouldn't be ready." "Oh Ashley, I wouldn't have said no to you. I may have my problems but I'm sure you could understand them" Ashley looked surprised. "So you would be my girlfriend?" Smiling An nodding her head Zoe said "Yes of course" just then Ashley pulled Zoe into a big hug and held her tightly. Ashley said "I will never let anything or anyone ever hurt you" Smiling up at Ashley. Ashley then leans into kiss her and so does Zoe. Wrapping her arms around Ashley's neck gently Ashley continues to kiss her softly with his hand sliding down to her waist. In some way the feeling of being with Ashley like this made a part of Zoe happy. A part of her that hadn't been happy in a very long time. After a couple of minutes Ashley offers Zoe a ride home and they both get to the car and as Ashley drives he wraps one arms around Zoe and she lays her head on his shoulder peacefully.

*Ashleys POV*

I can't believe she said yes. Ashley thought. She's so fragile I couldn't let anything happen to her anymore.

Lookin down Ashley saw peacefully sleeping Zoe on his shoulder. Coming up to driveway of his house he could see that Andy and Jake's cars were still there. So that means they are still in the house watching tv probably. Stopping the car and unbuckling himself, Ashley gets out of the car and goes to open to door from Zoe's side. Softly picking her up careful not to wake her he noticed how light she was. Shutting the door behind him he carried her to the front door and knocked quitely. Seconds later Andy opens the door and says "Hey! Isn't that the same girl from earlier?" Then he winks. "Yeah it's the same girl, but nothing going to happen Andy." Then Ashley walked past him and into his bedroom and laid Zoe down too sleep and then kissing her forehead goodnight.

*Zoe's POV*

The last thing she remembed was driving home with Ashley. Then the next thing she knew she was sleeping in his bed.

Waking up she looked around and didn't see Ashley anywhere. So Zoe got out of the bed and walked out of the room looking for Ashley. Finding him asleep on the couch infront of the tv as long with two other guys passed out on the floor. Going over to Ashley he laid down next to him with her head on his chest and she closed her eyes. Hopefully wishing she wouldn't wake up to another nightmare.

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