Chapter 10- Sweet Relief

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Sitting on the couch Zoe hides her face in her hands and just cries. Ashley comes back from shutting the door. Seeing Zoe crying he asks Andy to leave for a little. So Andy gets up and leaves and Ashley goes and sits down next to Zoe.

"Are you okay?" Ashley asksconcerned

"Why would you even love me? Why would you want me?" Zoe asks in tears. Looking at Zoe, Ashley says

"Why would you ask that? You're perfect to me. Nothing will ever change how I see you. Don't let some jerk like Ryan bring you down like this"

"But Ashley" Zoe says still crying

"This as happened my whole life. Up until I met you I've always been walked on and not cared about"

"I'm here now. I'll never leave you" Ashley says pulling Zoe into a hug. Wiping her tears Zoe says "Thank you Ashley, I'm going to go take a shower now. I'll come back and then we can watch movies and eat that pizza you promised" "Okay" Ashley says with a smile. Zoe then slowly gets up and walks to the bathroom and locks the door behind her. Turning on the shower, she sits on the edge of the tub as she reaches for the little box by the sink that held her blades. Opening it she began to cry again. Memories came rushing back to her. She remembered the first time she and cut herself and how she said that was going to be the last time. Staring at the blades laying neatly in the box she grabbed one and set the box back down. Rolling up her sleeve she slowly slid it across her wrist fighting back more tears she continued. Until she thought she had enough. Stepping into the shower which was now cold she washed her hair and body and then got out. Getting dressed she then wrapped up her arm and pulled down her long sleeve and opened the door to see Andy and Ashley sitting on the couch laughing and joking around. She then smelled the great scent of pizza filling the room. Grabbing a slice she sat down next to Ashley and he wrapped one arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Well lets get this movie started!" Andy says as he puts in a horror movie. Scooting closer to Ashley near the "scary" parts of the movie as Zoe moved closer to Ashley she accidentally bumped her arm and she winced in pain and Ashley asked "Are you okay?" Nodding her head Zoe lays her head back down on Ashley's shoulder and starts to fall asleep.

Ashley's POV

This movie is boring. Ashley thought to himself. Looking down he saw how peaceful Zoe was on him and as e began to move himself to get more comfortable. Ashley noticed as he moved Zoe's sleeve slid up a little revealing her bandaged arm. Seeing how peaceful she was he didn't want to wake her. So he gently lays her down on the couch and motions Andy to come over and he does.

"What is it man?" Andy questions.

Sliding up her sleeve so Andy could see, Andy says "Oh" he could see the hurt in Ashley's eyes. "It'll be okay Ashley, you can talk to her about it in the morning" sighing it was obvious Ashley was fighting back tears. Andy then went and grabbed a blanket and laid it down on Zoe and said goodnight to Ashley. Leaving Ashley to sit alone with Zoe as she slept. Why can't she see how much she means to me? Ashley thought to himself. I need to help her through this some how. Leaning down to kiss her cheek he then got up and went to his bedroom and went to sleep.

Zoe once again woke up screaming and in tears. Sitting up trying to calm down Ashley comes running in and sits down next to her and hold her close to his chest as she cries "I'm here" Ashley whispered softly "It was only a dream. You're safe now" holding Zoe finally she calmed down a bit and say up looking at Ashley and then quickly looking away. "Ashley.." Zoe mumbled "I'm so sorry" she said to him as she rolled up her sleeves to show him the bandage he saw the night before. Embracing Zoe in hug he says "I'm going to help you through this. We can get through this. I can't stand seeing you in so much pain" pulling back a bit from the hug Zoe says "No ones ever cared enough to say that to me" "Well I do care. I care so much. Don't you ever forget that." Ashley says back. "Where are your blades?" Ashley then asked "In the little box by the sink" Zoe mumbles. Getting up Ashley goes into the bathroom and grabs the box and opens it and up and dumps them in the toilet. Zoe now standing behind Ashley. "Never again" Ashley says as he flushes Zoe's blades away. Hugging him tightly Zoe says "Thank you so much"

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