Chapter 11- Can't You See It Now?

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Holding Zoe as she cried. Ashley comforts her, until she pulls back and looks at Ashley and says "I don't think I can cry anymore" Ashley looks back at her and says "That shouldn't matter, while your with me you'll never have to cry" smiling Ashley gave her one more hug before looking at her and saying "We should get something to eat" nodding her head in agreement she follows Ashley to the kitchen. In the kitchen Andy is standing there shirtless and in pajama pants making pancakes. "Mmm smells good" Zoe commented "Thanks" Andy said back. They both sit down waiting for Andy to finish cooking. Soon Andy hands them both plates full of pancakes. Andy eats some as well. After they all finish, Andy mentions he's going to be going out to today. Leaving the house to them both.

Hours later Andy finally left to do his stuff. Ashley and Zoe sat on the couch laughing and giggling about nothing. At the end of his laugh Ashley gently reaches his hand forward looking at the cuts on Zoe's arm. Leaning forward he kisses each one of her cuts. Going up her arm he makes it to her lips and lightly brushes his on hers. Pulling her closer to him softly he kisses her. Zoe whispers in Ashley's ear breathy "I need you" putting her hands on Ashley chest. Ashley pulls of Zoe's shirt carefully. Leaning into kiss her again. He lays her down on the couch and says "Tonight's all about you" trailing his fingers down her side Zoe shivers at his touch. Unbuttoning Zoe's jeans Ashley slides them off and tosses them. Kissing her deeply adding more love and meaning to every kiss. He unhooks her bra and kisses her breast causing Zoe to sigh out quietly. Sliding his fingers around the outside of her panties he slides them off slowly as a tease. Sitting up he admires her body before taking off his own jeans and boxers. Hovering over Zoe kissing her he asks "Are you ready?" Zoe nodes her head and Ashley slides into Zoe slowly. He then moves his hands over so that he can hold Zoe's hands. With every trust he went deeper and faster yet staying gentle. Leaning down he kisses her and says "Tell me when, baby girl" nodding her head. She feels herself getting closer with every thrust Ashley makes. Then she feels her body tighten around Ashley and herself release. Throwing her head back she screams "Ashley!" Ashley then cums inside Zoe, slowing down he pulls out and kisses her once more before letting her fall asleep in his arms.

Ashley wakes up, but notices Zoe isn't there. Sitting up he looks down the hall way to see his bedroom door wide open. Still naked Ashley goes and pulls on his boxers before walking down the hallway. Standing in front of his mirror was Zoe. She was only wearing one of Ashley's old shirts and panties. Her hair was a mess but Ashley didn't care. He thought that made her even more beautiful. Walking up to her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. He kisses her cheek looking at themselves in the mirror. Ashley says "You're so beautiful" smiling Zoe says "I'm starting to see that now" "Good" Ashley says as he kisses Zoe's neck up and down. Zoe sighs out softly but, suddenly she gets the feeling as if she's going to be sick and she pushes Ashley away and runs to the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Ashley still standing there confused.

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