Chapter 14- We Have To Be Strong

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After the party Ashley and Zoe change clothes and get in their car. "So what does the baby want for dinner?" Ashley asked laughing. Zoe smiled back and said "How about tacos?" "I agree" Ashley said laughing. Pulling into the parking lot of Mexican restaurant Zoe and Ashley get out and walk up to the door. "Table for two please" Ashley said "Follow me" said the host. They both followed and they were seated and they ordered their drinks "Your waiter will be here shortly" said the host before turning around and walking away. "What are you going to get Ashley?" "Hmm I was thinking the steak fajitas, what about you?" Looking down through the menu Zoe said "I kinda want a taco sald" "Well lets get you one" Ashley said laughing. Their waiter came and toke their order and Zoe and Ashley sat talking and drinking their drinks.

"What do you think the baby might be?" Zoe asked

"Well you know how every father wants a boy? Well I've always wanted to have a daughter, someone I can spoil and treat like a princess"

"Aww Ashley, that's so sweet" Zoe said tearing up

"Don't cry Zoe, I'll still treat you like a princess too"

Soon the food came and Ashley and Zoe eat their food laughing and having a good time.

"Oh that reminds me. Ash I have to the baby doctor tomorrow"

Finishing his last bite Ashley says "Do you want me to go with you?" "You don't have to if you are busy" "No no I'll find a way, I'm sure the guys will understand" smiling Zoe said "Okay, this will be the first time you heard the baby's heartbeat" "I'm sure I'll love it" Finishing their food Ashley pays and leaves a tip.

On the way home Ashley hold Zoe's hand in the car while listening to their favorite songs. Pulling up to the driveway of Ashley's house they both notice Andy's and Jake's car parked there as well. Zoe looks over at Ashley and says "We can go to my house, I'm sure no one will be there, and we can be alone" Noddinf his head in agreement Ashley backs out and drives down the block towards Zoe's house. "I really should sell this house if I'm going to be living with you" Zoe laughed "It's fine for now, Zoe" Ashley said as he turned off the car and went around to let Zoe out. When Zoe stood up out of the car her feet were knocked from underneath her and she was in Ashley's arms. "Thanks" Zoe said "I really need to work on my balance" "No problem, I couldn't let anything happen to you or the baby" "I know" Zoe said nodding her head. She then went up to the front door and pulled out her key and unlocked it. Ashley right behind her. He then closed the door and locked it, "I kinda need to take a shower" Ashley said "Oh uhm, the bathrooms down the hall to the right and the towels are on the shelf in there" "Thanks" Ashley said as he kissed her on the cheek. Zoe watched as Ashley went into the bathroom and shut the door. Zoe went into the kitchen and opened up the cabinet. Soon wishing she hadn't, she looked in and saw her pill bottles, sown empty and some half full. She had stopped taking them the day after she met Ashley. They medication helped with her anxiety and depression, but somehow when she met Ashley she felt like she didn't have to take them anymore. Taking a deep breathe he grabbed all the pill bottles and through them away. She then grabbed a glass and filled it full of ice water. She then grabbed her prenatal vitamins from her bag and toke one with the water. Putting the glass in the sink she then went to her bedroom and looked for clothes that would fit her and that she could sleep in. Looking through her drawers he found an oversized T-shirt and then some shorts that still fit. Brushing her hair she put it up in a bun and crawled into bed and waited for Ashley. About ten mintutes had passed and Ashley still hasn't retuned so Zoe sat up and went to the bathroom door and knocked on it "Are you okay Ashley?" After a few seconds of silence Ashley answered "Oh uhm yeah..I'll be out in a sec" Stepping back from the door Zoe leaned up against the wall and waited. Ashley then opened the door and said "Sorry Zoe, I was distracted" he then winked and kissed her. Somehow she knew what he meant and let it go. They both then crawled into bed and kissed each other goodnight.

It was about three in the morning and Zoe was awaken with a sharp pain in her stomach. Thinking the worst she shook Ashley awake and said "Ashley! Something's wrong with baby oww" she then winced in more pain. Ashley shot up out of bed and pulled on a pair of shoes and grabbed Zoe hers and put them on her and he picked her up and carried her out towards the car. In the car Zoe was holding her stomach and in tears "I don't want to lose the baby Ashley" Ashley looked terrified "I know, I don't either" pulling into the ER Ashley got out and went around to pick Zoe up. He carried her to the front desk and said the nurse "My girlfriend is almost 6 weeks pregnant and she woke up with stomach pain" The nurse then went to eat a wheelchair and Ashley sat Zoe down in it. "Sir we are goning to need you to stay here while we check on her" "But ma'am that's my baby in there!" Ashley fought back tears "I'm sorry sir, we'll call you back when it's okay" siting down Ashley covered his face with his hands and cried. He didn't want anything to happen to the baby or Zoe. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something did. He then pulled out his phone texted Andy, Jake, Jinxx and CC

"I'm at the ER with Zoe, please come as soon as you can"

Within seconds they all replied

"On my way right now, hang in there"- Andy

"It's going to be okay, I'll be right there"- CC

"No problem man, I'm coming"-Jake

"I'm bringing Sammi, on my way now"- Jinxx

Ashley then remembered Jinxx and Jake where the only ones to know Zoe was pregnant. I guess they'll all find out when they get here Ashley thought with a sigh. Minutes later he still hasn't heard anything from the nurses. Just then all the guys including Sammi came in and Ashely stood up only to be embraced in a hug by them all. "What happened?" Jinxx asked "Is the baby okay?" "Baby? What baby?" Andy's and CC both asked. Sighing Ashley sat down again and said "Sorry I didn't tell you guys before, Zoe and I didn't want to tell anyone so soon, Zoe is almost six weeks pregnant and earlier she woke up with a sharp pain in her stomach" He then broke down into more tears "and they won't let me in there to see her" "Oh Ash" Sammi said "I'm so sorry, everything's going to be okay" "Yeah she's right" Andy and Jake said

Just then the nurse stepped out of the room and said "Mr.Purdy, can I have a word with you?"

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